Devon seemed offended for me, though, and posed as the diva of the trip.

"Oh no girl, you di-dant!" he popped his hip out and made a duck face at a girl who had called me a whore as we passed, and began snapping his fingers in a z formation.

"Mom! Get him outta here before he does the triple underline! You know how he gets!" I panicked, ushering Devon away from the girl, who looked both frightened and confused.

"Of all the ridiculous things...." mom muttered angrily, grabbing her oldest sons wrist and dragging him off to a shop to look a something shiny. Dev really likes all the little stores in the airport with the overpriced merchandise.

One year I forgot about his birthday, so I gave him a candy bar and told him it was from the airport store. He told me it was the best gift he had ever gotten.

"Ugh, look, it's Nicole Bailey." a girl muttered to her friends, who were walking in one giant flock through the airport, clutching what looked like DVD cases. With my boyfriends face on it.

"Ugh, look, it's a random girl in the airport who wishes she was me." I replied snootily, kind of shocked with myself for saying such a mean thing. I was standing up for myself, though, so I didn't really care too much.

I didn't stick around long enough to see her face or hear a reply. I ducked off to a comfortable looking couch and plopped down, happy to be left alone. Or, at least, I thought I was alone.


I jumped from my seat, my eyes wide. Usually I don't freak out when people greet me, but this person had put their face directly next to mine from behind.

"Jesus! What? Hello!" I put as much space as I could between myself and the strange person. Not to be mean, but I couldn't tell if this individual was a male or female. He/she/it was clutching a strange book with tons of different colors all over it, and stickers.

"Can you sign my celebrity spouse book?" the person breathed deeply, and unfortunately I could detect a distinctly high or low tone to the voice. It was just plain.

"Your what now?"

"My celebrity spouse book. I have so many, wanna see?" the person began pushing the book towards me, looking kind of like that creepy bald thing from the Lord of the Rings. He/she was all hunched over, and looked sort of insane.

"No, that's quite alright. I ac-" I started to say, but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

I was faced with Logan, who was flanked by two massive bodyguards holding off a crowd of screaming girls. How had I not heard this? Perhaps I was too creeped out by Gollum-look-alike.

"Hey!" I said happily, bringing my hands up to the side of his face to kiss him. He smiled brightly at me, looking down with one of his Logan looks.

"Hello to you too. If arriving late to an airport gets me that, I'll happily be late every day of my life." he joked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you feeling okay? I know I kinda went nuts with the whole bucket list thing." I said sheepishly, lacing my fingers with his.

"I feel great, and I don't think you went nuts. It was a total Nikki thing to do. I'm glad we got to do it together." he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we strolled off, walking hand in hand through an airport with two massive guys holding off a crowd of malicious teenage girls behind us.

"Well I'm glad. What time does your flight leave?" we reached the rest of his family, and oddly enough my own mom was chatting with Lisa, looking cool as a cucumber.

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