episode 6 || success comes with consistency

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"You're trying to find Niragi?! As in the pierced militant?" Kuina seemed astonished. I rolled my eyes. "Do you know where I can find him or not?" 

"Uh—yeah. Well, I don't know where he is at the moment. He's probably by Aguni's side like always, which is hard to locate since they're guarding all over the place. But I always see him at the club during the night. You'll find him there." She told me. 

"Thanks." I said, walking away. She followed me. "You're welcome. But, uh— why're you trying to find him? Nevermind. You won't tell me. But I will tell you this; whatever you're planning to do, make sure your plan doesn't include him for long." 

"Why not?" I stopped and asked. "Aria, Niragi's trouble. Big trouble. Y'know that sniper rifle he's always caring around? Yeah, that's not for show. He will literally shoot you if you stare at him the wrong way. He's done it before multiple times." Kuina told me. She looked dead serious. 

I gave her a look of interest. I wanted to know more. "Look, don't mess with him. He's a militant. They're the most dangerous people on the Beach. But the only reason people really are scared of them is because of Niragi. He doesn't hesitate in killing people. Ever." She said.

"I'll keep that in mind." I nodded once and turned back around to walk back to my room. "Aria, please be careful!" Kuina called. I rolled my eyes with a scoff. 


I entered the club. I could already hear the blasting music upstairs. There were a lot of people there. How the fuck was I supposed to find him in this rats nest? 

Most of the people were moving their body's to the music, while others were making out or being dirty on the couches without shame. I entered the pile of dancing people and began my search again. 

A few guys started coming my way. One started grabbing my hips. I spinned around and punched him. He stumped back with a groan. A few people around gapped. "Touch me one more fucking time and I'll snap your dick in half." I hissed at him. He nodded swiftly. 

I glared at the other guys who were trying to get my attention. They moved on. I kept straight ahead at the bar. Maybe I'll find him there. After aggressively pushing people out of my way, I finally got to the bar. 

I stood next to an empty stool and looked around at the rest of the seats. Some were occupied by people drinking and others kissing. But no Niragi. I saw the bartender walk over to me. "What can I get you?" He asked. 

"Nothing." I answered, returning to searching the crowd of dancing people. "You waiting for someone?" He asked. "Beats you." I said sternly. "Ooh, okay then. Looks like we have a feisty one." He chuckled to himself about to walk away. 

"Wait," I stopped him. He looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Get me a shot of whiskey." I said. He shrugged with a smirk and went to get my drink. Might as well get something to drink before I start my search again. A few minutes later, he came back with liquid in a shot glass. He left. I drank the glass in one take and put it down.

"Looks like you're having fun." An amused voice said. I looked to my left. Chishiya was standing in the middle of two other stools, a seat away from me. "I sure am." I looked away. "I saw you taking laps around the grounds with Kuina this afternoon." He mentioned. "So you're stalking me now?" I questioned. 

He scoffed. "Please. I have better things to do than watch you. I just so happened to come across you, that's all." He answered. "Uh-huh." I nodded, unbelieving. "Care for another drink? And one for your partner as well?" The bartender came back and asked me. 

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