Imagine 10 - The Williams are not the only married couple

Start from the beginning

I immediately stood up with the other judges and clapped for him. The crowd is doing the exact same thing. I turned to look at Louis again with a giddy smile on my face and this time, he had a smile on his face. He raised up his fist and shook it rapidly for a few seconds as if he was commending him for his performance.

Brendan, overwhelmed by the crowds response, squatted down and wiped the sweat from his face. A smile clear as a day on his face. Once we all sat down, it was time for us to speak up and judge his performance.

Simon was first.

"Okay Brendan, uhh look in my opinion, you are in a completely different league to everyone else we've seen so far and you know whats so charming about you? you don't even know how good you are" Simon spoke up first and I wholeheartedly agreed with that.

"Thank you" Brendan said quietly

"Seat! Seat! Seat! Seat! Seat! Seat! Seat! Seat!"

After the rest of us had given our opinion, it became quiet. Now, it was time for Louis to make the judgment call and decide if Brendan was worthy of a seat or not.

Louis raised up his arm to get Brendans attention and lifted his microphone to his mouth "Brendan, just come here for a sec, I wanna have a quick word" once he finished speaking, Louis got up from his chair.

Louis pressed the golden buzzer!

Explosions of confetti and yellow lights started appearing everywhere and we all stood up once again and clapped again. Everyone cheered for him, Simon even had both of his arms up. Brendan looks completely happy right now and I feel very excited for him. He deserved it.

I watched as Louis made a gesture to come down from the stage and I decided that I wanted to personally congratulate Brendan myself.

I moved around the table and walked to stand next to Louis, gently squeezing his shoulder to let him know I was standing next to him. As soon as I removed my hand, Brendan leaped down stairs and wrapped his arms around Louis's neck excitedly.

"Yeahh!!!" Louis cheered as the two swung back and forth. Aww this is so wholesome.

After Brendan unwrapped himself from Louis, he turned around to meet me and ran forward and pulled me into a hug as well. I quickly held onto his torso as he moved us back and forth, laughter spilling from me and him. I cannot imagine how happy he is right now, I bet he was not expecting that!

As I was hugging Brendan, I feel something wrapping around my legs and I look down to see a mop of blonde hair and I instantly recognized who this little guy was. Freddie, our son. Little guy must've snuck away from Auntie Lotties lap, he gets the sneaking from his father. Louis must've taught him while I wasn't looking..!!

I lift up Freddie carefully and set him on my waist and hold onto him tightly so he wouldn't fall off.

"Hey buddy what are you doing here?" I asked him with a slightly baby tone in my voice.

" I saw you and daddy hugging an I wanted to hug" he spoke with a giddy smile on his face. Freddie's speaking had gotten a lot better over time.

I smiled at him and tickled his stomach, he immediately started giggling and tried to escape from me but I wouldn't let him.

"Oh no you don't little guy" I let out a laugh as I tightened my hold on him and then I felt an arm wrapping itself around my waist and I turned to see Louis with a cheeky smile on his face. I faked angry expression and help up our four year old higher to make a point.

"You wanna tell me how our four year old son managed to get here and away from his aunty?" I raised an eye brow and tilted my head side ways. A teasing smile growing on my lips.

Louis innocently shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know and just pulled us into a hug. I turned my head and I saw Brendan still standing there with a small smile on his face. I extended my arm to him, letting him know that I wanted him to join our hug and he gladly did so.

Once we all dispersed from the hug, Brendan went back to the stage and stood at the X, leaving Louis and I alone for a while.

"Think we should take him and let him sit with us?" I asked Louis, with an excited smile on my face.

Louis smiled at me and pressed a chaste kiss on my forehead "I don't see why not, it would be nice to have the little guy with us" he looked down at his son and playfully tussled his hair. Freddie thought it was hilarious.

Louis and I both went back to the panel where everybody was giving Louis a high five with a joyous expression on their face. Once I sat down, I adjusted Freddie so that he was sitting in my lap with his legs raised and he leaned back into my chest.

Robbie reached his hand forward and rubbed his shoulders gently "nice to see you again buddy!" he said. Freddie just waved back at him, poor thing is still a little shy around people.

Louis's smile quickly faded once he realized he had to decide which seat he was going to give Brendan. The stress on his face was very clear and I wish I could help him out but I couldn't say anything so instead I discreetly wrapped my pinky finger around his and squeeze it lightly, letting him know I was with him.

The Six people who already occupied the chairs looked very nervous. They know one of them has to go.

Louis leans forward against the table and raises the microphone to his mouth once more. He turns around to face crowd who had started screaming numbers, some are saying chair number three and some are screaming number four.

"Okay" Louis spoke up and looked straight at Brendan

"I don't wanna lose any of you but I've made a decision but go and take a seat in seat number four" he said neutrally and everyone watched as the previous owner of the fourth chair makes an exit but not before Brendan gives him a hug.

"Cory, thank you" Louis said and gave him a thumbs up and leans back in his chair.

Freddie, seeing his father in distress, started reaching for his father "Daddy! Daddy!" Louis turned his head at the voice of his son and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lip. I gently lifted up Freddie from lap and moved him into Loui's awaiting arms. Once he was settled in his fathers lap, Louis gently ran his hand around his head. I smiled at that. He was such a perfect dad.

And now it's time for the next contestant.


This is probably the longest imagine I have ever written but I definitely enjoyed writing this imagine!

Thank you for making this request!

- MV

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