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         "Good morning sunshine," Helena laughed at her cousin's obvious distaste for the early hours, being any time before eleven thirty or noon. A unintelligible grumble barely escaped his mouth before he fell onto a stool at the breakfast bar. She poured a steaming mug of jet black, liquefied caffeine and pushed it towards him. The aroma itself was strong enough to wake the dead. So, hopefully, it would put some life into her cousin.

         "Dinner a couple nights ago was fun. I hate to admit it, but....I did enjoy the company. Yes. Yes. I know I didn't talk much. However, I did have a bit of conversation and didn't entirely shrink away. Now, no idea what you've got planned for the day. Stella called - my agent - she's got a meeting set up for me in two hours. You wake up and join the living. I'm going to get ready and I'll call after the meeting to let you know how it went." She skipped out of the kitchen on cloud nine. Finally, she could see her name at the top of the NYT Best Seller list. So close, it was so close she felt she could almost touch it with her fingertips.

         The scalding water would have melted any other mere mortal. Were hot showers dangerous? She'd heard both sides of the argument. It was just satisfying to feel the heat vanquish her aches and pains. The cool rush of air brushing against her when she stepped out of the shower was an added, refreshing bonus.

         "TAXI! TAXI!" The yellow cabs just wouldn't stop for her. As if sensing her frustration, the doorman came up and said, "Allow me madam." He whistled and hailed the next cab to the curb for her. "Thank you so, so much." She hurried into the seat and he bowed at her in acknowledgement before shutting the door.

         The skyscrapers were just that. Big, imposing buildings that seemed to keep people from becoming Chicken Little. The young cabbie gave her a strange look when she laughed out loud at her silent thought. She pressed her lips together and tried to suppress the urge to laugh at his bewildered expression.

         As the reflective scenery rolled by, she wondered how many people in this city had ever actually seen real stars. There were so many lights and glass and metal buildings reflecting them, no wonder everybody was wearing sunglasses. It wasn't to look cool or keep their identity a secret like a superhero. It was the blinding man made kaleidoscope they lived in that required protection for their eyes.

         The cab rolled to a stop in front of a very modern, sleek looking building. From the front sidewalk, it appeared to thin out at the top like a razor blade. The intimidating factor was the sheer size. She steeled her nerves with a deep breath and entered the dragon's lair.

         Her small, black heels echoed loudly on the marble floor as she went to the reception desk. "Hello, I'm Helena Troy. My agent, Ms. Stella Brinks, said there was a meeting for me here today." She plastered on a smile and hoped her fear didn't show through.

         The receptionist eyed her up and down. "I'm Morticia, the head receptionist here at Kalispell, Mariano, and Delaney Publishing International. Do you know who you're supposed to be meeting with?" She tapped her blood red stiletto nails on the dark marble counter while she waited for a response.

         "I think she said Kelli Delaney." Morticia sighed and called a number on her rolodex. Helena worried her lip as she waited. Of all the things to forget, the name of an influential publisher who had agreed to meet with her was definitely not supposed to be on that list. Relief flooded through her as she was waved towards the elevators.

        The elevator ride seemed to take forever. The good news was that nobody stopped it and boarded while she was on her way up. The bad news was her terrible fear of heights and the back of the elevator was glass. Others might have enjoyed the view. She clutched the rail and kept her eyes sealed. There was no better sound than the ding as she arrived at her floor. The second thing she did once off the ride of torment was search for a sign to a stairwell. The first thing she did was breathe.

         She sat in an overstuffed leather chair and waited. Control your breathing girl. You got this. It's just a meeting. You'll find out what it's about when you get in there. Nothing to worry about. The voice in her head sounded more confident than she felt. Perhaps listening to it was worth a shot for once.

         "Ms. Delaney will see you now." The receptionist on this floor seemed more polite than Morticia. She smiled kindly at her as she waved her through the thick oak doors into the conference room. It was massive. At the head of the table was Kelli Delaney and to her left were two people Helena didn't know.

         "Ah. Ms. Helena Troy. Your parents are mythology enthusiasts, I take it? Please have a seat." Delaney had a very nasal voice that squeaked occassionally when she spoke. She didn't appear to be in a sour mood. However, the opposite wasn't exactly making itself known either.

         Helena's blood pounded in her ears as she took a seat. One foot in front of the other. Breathe. They're human just like you. Take it easy. The voice in her head quieted down once she settled at the table. "Ms. Delaney. It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about KMD Publishing." Even though her voice came out strong and didn't reveal her nerves, the only response she got a raised eyebrow and accessing stare.
          Filho do Diablo! Por que? Por que? Filho do Diablo! Her thoughts decided that they'd be better expressed in another language. This was probably true for the moment. She had no idea what she was getting into when she decided to become a writer. Her hopes were to find an agent who would help her champion her novels to publishers. That's what was supposed to happen right? Write a novel. Find an excellent agent. Get a publishing deal. Live her dream of writing to her heart's content. Maybe....write her heart's content?

          I guess I can wander the streets for a little while. No way am I going to call my cousin and tell him this. I'm not even sure what I'd say. As she walked down the road, she thought about her options. Finally, she decided to change her perspective and clothes. I'm going to have a fun night. Tonight will be as relaxing as a beach vacation. 


         I walked in from a rainy night in L.A. Through the mass of sweaty, dancing bodies, I saw him sitting at a table alone. Making my way over to him was easier said than done. It seemed everyone in here was dead set on keeping me from my sense of familiarity. Well, maybe we weren't familiar.  We only met two days ago. Still, he was the only person here that I knew. "What's a man like him doing in a place like this?" I wondered.

         Jack looked up and saw me trying to get over to his table. He disappeared from view more than once, however; when I finally made it through the crowd, he smiled and waved me over. His foot pushed my chair out and I gladly took the seat. I heaved a sigh and blew my hair out of my face.


Dark DealOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora