Portal to under/lusttale

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And it was over for undick within seconds and blaze turned away and headed off, he alrealdy did what he had to do.

So he figured the portal might be there where it brings him to each time. Though he made a small detour and checked on his other self and the skeletons brothers before nodding and heading off.
They were doing better. That's good.

Blaze thought, and smiled briefly, seems the portal was back already. He walked to it and entered and soon got thrown out into another au.

Wondering which au this was briefly as he continued to walk to snowdin yet again. It was a bit annoying, but he guessed it was fine even if it was annoying to have to go back and forth each time when it was time to go or when he gets thrown out of the portal.

Blaze hummed a bit and walked through snowdin, hmm everything was more different then he thought..wait..he's in lusttale isn't he? He figured that out by seeing how the other monsters clothes.

Well..this is a bit unfortunate, he's going to stand out because of his clothes..oh well. It doesn't matter if he stands out.

Blaze titled his head a bit, wait isn't this the au where there's like, no kids running around because they can't have kids or it's very difficult?

Huh...maybe..he should be sure no one got close enough to him to lift his shirt? But then again..why would they have any reason to? To them he's a stranger. A stranger with different clothes then them..

So as long as he stayed on guard for now while he's in this au, it should be fine. Blaze thought and nodded to himself, but never did he think to guard himself against someone who would later trip into him.

So blaze wandered around with no goal in mind, besides maybe checking in on the brothers and his other self. But unsure if he wants to go into the bar, since from the extra memories that had some lusttale comics or videos in it was a bit... how to see this?

Not something he would be comfortable being in. Because he's not going to ever be with anyone but Gaster.

He just doesn't want anyone to flirt with him or anything.

Maybe he can go through some things when he gets back home and have his kids help him with it so they can fix whatever these monsters might be injected with...

If they were injected with anything...considering some fanficions in the extra memories, some had the monsters injected with lust soul and others just because they wanted it like that or something else..

Well either way, he should probably do it anyways when he gets back home as a just in case it's ever needed.

Blaze thought and nodded to himself, walking past this grillbys bar place.

"Woah! Wait-!? Watch out!" Someone yelled and blaze turned to face the direction just in time to see someone fall on top of himself and he fell back, not expecting it.

"Shit-sorry! I'll make it up to you if you want me to~? Wait.." the unknown monster started out and started down at blaze who stared up at him with a bit of surprise.

Huh, what a way to meet this worlds sans. Wait what is he looking at?

Blaze wondered as he saw this sans eyes widen with shock.

"S-soulings!?" Sans shuttered out still shocked at the discovery.

Blaze tensed a little bit and sat up quickly and moved sans off of himself as he fixed his shirt back down.

"Don't..tell anyone.." blaze muttered after he stood up and helped the shocked sans up and walked away, just leaving this sans to stand there in shock from seeing a pregnant monster when it should be almost impossible.

Especially since the flame monster has two soulings, meaning twins. How the fuck did he manage to do that!? No one has managed to be able to do it so far, even with all the sex or some other shit they do.

Sans just stared at the back of the expecting mother and started following him, wanting to know what he did to have soulings or if it was the less then ten percent that have managed to have a souling but either later lost them after birth or the souling just didn't make it.

He really wanted to know, that and he should make sure non of the others try and get him into bed, the soulings looked healthy from what he was able to see and he won't let another monster ruin that even on accident. Soulings are very precious, more so now then ever before.

He will protect the monster the best he can.

So sans just followed blaze around as he walked around, kinda exploring and making sure to stay out of sight.

Finished with 907 words. Hope you like and comment what you think.

Also yeah three updates in a day. Surprise! I worked on the other two chapters after some comments and found my self finishing two chapters right after the other. Well I'll be off for a bit of a break from this before I focus on it again

Also how long do you think blaze should end up staying in this au?

No more then a week though.

Cause I know this story is going to get pretty long I believe.

Ja ne~!

Undertale, sans, papyrus, grillby/blaze

Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge, grillby/

Underswap, sans/blue, papyrus/orange, grillby/swap

Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/star, grillby/galaxy

Fellswap, sans/black, papyrus/rus, grillby/

Swapfell, sans/blackberry, papyrus/purple, grillby/

Naturetale, lavender, thistle, poppy, grillby/

Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void, grillby/

Underlust/Lusttale, sans/heart, papyrus/pink, grillby/

Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom

Horrortale, sans/axe, papyrus/Jupiter

Killertale, sans/killer

Dreamtale, Dream, nightmare

Xtale, sans/cross, papyrus/white/idk, grillby/

I always get confused on the name for heart, like some say it's lusttale and others it's underlust soooo yeah.


Undertale | grillby goes into other au/aus?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora