part 7: Inevitable Dmage

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That day, around 18:15, Bucky walked to the kitchen to get some water and found Paige there. He tried to walk as normally as he could but Paige noticed that his obvious limp. He was in pain. The bulet had barely missed his bone.

"Hey. Are you ok? What's wrong wth your leg?" she asked Bucky, looking at his leg.

"It's just a cramp." he answered quickly and shrugged. He cringed at his own response. "A cramp? Really?!"

"I saw you the other day," she paused. "at Steve's grave."

Paige remembered how vulnerable Bucky had been the previous day, then remembered how terrifying he looked when he'd marched at her.

"Oh shit!" he thought, "Did you hear anything?" he asked hoping the answer would be the one he wanted to hear.

"No! I wasn't spying on you or anything." she said and laughed nervously, rolling her eyes to the floor.

"Right." he said in a suspicious tone.

"It must be realy hard, loosing the one person you had left." she said changing her tone and turning it to a more serious one.

"I know you know how it feels." Bucky added locking eyes with her.

They both blushed and then looked away.

"Yes. It's-It's difficult." she said and forced a sad smile.

"Difficult doesn't cover the whole experience." he said serious and his eyes started tearing up.

Paige felt like she was so deep into his steel blue eyes that she could drown in his tears.

"Yeah but complaining about it won't help either. Right?" she added placing her hand on his shoulder gently and smilling at him trying to make him feel better. Trying to save herself from drowing in his sadness. She hated how easily she could make his beautiful eyes wet.

"No it won't." he said shaking the tears away slightly cringing away, causing Paige's hand to fall from his shoulder.

Then an awkward silence spreaded across the room and Bucky felt uncomfortable and teared up again. Paige noticed and hugged him tightly. At first he was unsure of what to do but seconds later he found comfort in the small girls hug and hugged her back. 

Then Paige's hand slipped to Bucky's side feeling something wet and suddently pulled away to see what it was. 

"Blood?!" she thought while looking at Bucky's side in surprise as more and more blood stained his dark, navy blue shirt. Bucky was confused as to why she had pulled away.

"Um..Bucky? You're bleeding."  Paige said calmly thinking he would panic. She knew how on edge he was. He even teared up with the awkward silence, like it felt wrong to him not to be speaking with her.

"No I'm not!" he said sure he wasn't, because he had checked for any bleeding before.

"I can see it. There on your left side. Are you ok?" she said and pointed at Bucky's side.

Bucky was surprised to see blood there but quickly came up with an excuse.

"Oh! That. Yeah it's-it's a bloodstain from um.. some old fight or something like that." Why did he lie to her? She didn't deserve it. Had he been lying for so long that it had become natural to him?

It was ironic really. He had been lying about his wellbeing all this time but still he made up the most shitty excuses.

"Really? Are you sure?" she said confused to why Bucky whould lie to her.

"Yeah! It's from last week, I think. Blood doesn't come off clothes easily, am I right." he said and a nervous laugh came out.

"But it's not dry I felt it. It even stained my hand!"  she said and showed him her red, blood-stained palm.

"Oh my god just leave it!" he shouted and walked off angrily. "Damn it!" he thought "how the hell did that happen!".

Bucky rushed to his room and pulled his shirt up to see where the blood came from. 

"Shit!" he thought when he saw that he had stubbed himself whith a piece of the broken window. There must have been more glass to his bed after he 'broke' in from the window. "Well that explains the sharp pain to the side!" he told himself feeling stupid 'cause he'd felt the pain but had ignored it. 

Fortunately he had left the first-aid kit out from  earlier so he was quick to open the bag and get the stuff he needed. Suddently he heard a knock on  the door that made him jump and hurt himself even more with the glass and a cry sliped his lips. 

"You ok?" It was Paige waitig outside the room. She decided not to enter the room because he clearly didn't want her there. 

"For God's sake Paige I told you I wanted to be alone! It's nothing, ok?! I'm perfectly fine." he said and groaned in pain as he pulled the piece out. "God damit!" he wispered "perfect timing".

"Doesn't sound like nothing or perfectly fine." she answered ,rather loudly, worried from the noises that came from Bucky's room.

"Paige!" he shouted, his pain lacing his voice

"Ok, ok!" she said, not knowing what had happened and left looking back to Bucky's door. 

Another day Bucky was lying on the couch and was playing whith a knife, 'cause he was bored. Suddently muffled voices appeared in his head calling him "a murderer", "a killer" and behind those muffled voices children crying and screaming.

One voice stood out to Bucky. It was Steve's. "You know why I didn't return to the present? Because of you! Back there you were just gone, you were just Bucky that sadly fell from that train and I was happy! I didn't want you to be a part of my life!". He fought the urge to use that small knife on himself. Mainly because he knew Steve would never say something like that. But it was hard. It was a battle he wouldn't win.

When he was about to stub himself he noticed Paige entering the room and stopped. Unfortunately she had seen him. 

"What was he thinking!" she thought but didn't say anything. She didn't know why she didn't confront him or why she didn't do anything. She only stood there for a couple of seconds before leaving. 

Bucky wasn't sure she knew what he was about to do but he was sure she had seen him. 



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