part 4: Wish You Were Here

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After the argument Paige had with Sam she gave herself some time to calm down. She tried to push her feelings away, to forget her pain. After a while she managed to do exactly that. 

It was 4am. She hadn't slept all night so she decited to see if Bucky was still in the Tower. As soon as she exited her room she heard footsteps. She slipped inside again and peeked through the key-hole. Bucky was passing right outside her bedroom. 

For some reason, when her eyes met his muscular form her heart stuttered. She thought she'd imagined it but it really skipped a beat.

When he was right infront of her door Bucky stopped. Paige felt sweat dripping from her eyebrow. She thought he had noticed her but when he continued walking the thought faded and she exhaled in relief.

Paige heared the elevator arive, with a faint bink, and then go down. She rushed out and ran down the stairs to follow him. She had to be very careful not to get Bucky's attention. 

She then followed him around the city for  2 hours. Paige was tired and her feet started aching after all that walking, thinking "Where is he going? We've been walking for TWO hours!". But luckily for her Bucky stopped, soon after, at the grave yard where she knew Steve was burried.

"I shouldn't be here." she thought to herself trying to resist listenning to Bucky's private conversation. Unfortunatelly she was too curious. She got as close as she could and tried to hear what Bucky was saying without him noticing. She found a decent hiding spot behind another grave stone.

"Hey." He said and sighed deepely. Then he sat down to the grass near Steve's grave. 

She wondered if that's what he did every time he went out. Did he come in such odd times to find his friends grave empty? After all his friend was Steve Rogers, the first Captain America. The monument was crowded most of the time, if not all.

"Sorry I didn't come yesterday. I had an um..I had a pretty tough day." he then paused for a moment clossing his eyes trying to forgive himself for letting down his best friend again. "I met someone." he said and giggled a bit saddly. "She uh... she is Tony's sister! Yeah he has a sister. But I'm sure you already knew that. Since you know he, uh... actually trusted you." His fist clentched, knuckles turning white

"Her name is Paige." Then he stopped again squeezing his eyes shut shaking off his negative feelings. "You would've loved her. She is stubborn and stunds up for her rights and for people who can't. At least that's what I've heard. Now that I think about it she kind of reminds me of Peggy." he said and chuckled softly. 

Paige felt guilty and decited to leave him have a moment alone, even though she knew he thought he was alone, that he had that moment as far as he was concerned. Mabey she only used it as an excuse to convince herself to leave but either way she did.

She slowly turned away and walked back to the Tower.

"I know I didn't know her very well but you wouldn't stop talking about her! That used to annoy me so much, every time you spoke about her I wanted to close your mouth shut." He laughed ironically. But it wasn't a genuine, pure laugh. It was more of a sad laugh. "Now I would do anything to hear you talk about her one more time." he said and as his eyes started watering. 

"It must've been hard. When you thoght I was...You know. Gone. And then you found me and I-I mede it more difficult for you. You had a chance at reunitting whith your best friend after all this time and all you got was the Winter Soldier." He said his voice breaking and shook his head to forget the saddness he felt. Even though it wasn't Bucky's fault that he got turned to the Winter Soldier, he felt responsible.

"Man I wish I hadn't survived that fall." he said and smiled. Steve whould have hated that he spoke those words but Bucky knew he wasn't there and that's what hurted the most.

He tried to keep the tears in but when that first hot tear runned down his face, the other ones followed. He gently brushed his hand against his Best Friends grave and started crying even harder.

He raised his gaze to the skyies, where his friend was supposed to be.

"God I wish you were here!" he said and wiped his tears. He just stood there for what seemed too little to him. He wanted to stay with his friend for more but people started gathering around the big statue that look like Steve. 

It was big. Made with white blinding marble embellished with gold strips that looked like lightning. He had a serious face, shield strapped tightly to his left arm. The shield wasn't made of white struck by thunder. It was some short of metal, painted to look like Steve's shield. White and red rings surrounding a blue cycle, which contained a big bright white star. 

Most people thought the statue looked just like Steve but not Bucky. The statue didn't wield Steve's kind expression, his decisive grip on the shield or his weirdly stiff shoulders. And the most importand thing to Bucky, the thing that made the statue so unfamiliar. He couldn't see the skinny kid from Brooklyn behind the fierce American soldier.





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