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I woke up at 9 am , I got changed

The outfit ^^^^^And texted Javon to come to my house ,it was 10 and the interview was in 12 but we have to go in 11:30

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The outfit ^^^^^
And texted Javon to come to my house ,it was 10 and the interview was in 12 but we have to go in 11:30 .i went downstairs and saw everyone there
"You look gorgeous honey " my aunt said
I heard the knock,I opened the door and saw Javon ,I let him in
"Who is that?" My aunt asked
"This is my boyfriend,Javon " I said smiling ,she gave him a look from his toes to head
"Hi I'm Javon,nice to meet you" he said smiling
"You look like a baby " my aunt said
"He is 15 " i said rolling my eyes
"You look familiar " she said
"Flux or Kai " i said
"Oh yeah ,come here honey " my aunt said to Javon, they hugged and she grabbed his cheeks "i saw your movie I was crying all night"she said and after that she let him go
"Bye we gotta go " i said grabbing Javons arm
"Bye" they all said we went to his car ,
"We're still early " he said
"You should thank me for not letting you take an interview with red cheeks "i said
"She seems nice"he said
"She is ,but she loves to much,I mean to much"i said giggling
We went to Dunkin' and got coffees,we parked in a parking spot and I called joe

"Hey jojo" i said
"Hey jingle bells what you doing?" he said
"Drinking coffee and then going to the interview "i said
"I saw the movie,I cried " he said
"Why does everyone cried in the last scene ?" I said
"No I cried when your mom kicked you out of the house " and we laughed
"I have something to tell you" he said
"Is it good or bad " i said
"It's good I guess "
"Go on"
"I might be in marvel " he said
"You kidding,what you waiting for ,come on " i said and he smiled
"How is Jamie?" I asked
"He is fine ,he missed you"he said
"Yeah I might call him after the interview,I was so busy those days " i said
"I saw the video of you and that boy " he said , i was so confused then I remembered that guy who asked me at the premiere
"Send it to me" i said
"I will" he said
"Okay ,love you I gotta go " I said and then we hung up

"What guy?" Javon asked before I answer joe send me the video
I watched it with him
"They got scared of me" he said laughing

We went to the place and we met everyone they sat us on the chair ready to start
"Okay you guys ready " they said and we nodded
"And start " they said

"Sup everyone I'm Bella Parker and I play Flo"i said smiling
"I'm Javon Wanna Walton and I play Flux" he said
"Today we are going to play 'goggle says '" I said
They gave us a card
"Does Bella Parker , does Bella Parker know Peter Parker? Yes I know ,my little cousin is called Peter" i said smiling
" does Bella Parker sing?" I read
"Yes she does,sometimes she sing when we are playing karaoke, she is dope , but she is scared to start a song " Javon said
"Yea cus I'm scared if my anxiety hit me" I added
"Does Bella Parker loves Javon?" I looked at him "I do "I said putting my hair in my ear.
"Does Bella Parker box? Yes I have my first competition next month " i said I threw the card to a man hoping he will catch it
"I'm so sorry " I said putting my hands in my mouth since the card hit him.
They gave a card to Javon
"Is Javon,is Javon dating someone?" He said ,he looked at me and putted his arm around my shoulders,slide hugging me
"Yes I'm dating Bella " he said and I was blushing
"Is Javon in discord ?no I quite" he said with a disappointment face
"Is Javon 5,2?" He gave a look at the camera and I was laughing
"Guys stop he's 6'11 or 6'10 ,he's high goes up and down" i said laughing
"Is Javon in stranger things? No,but I wish I was " he said ,
They gave us an other card
" is Flo good for kids? Well I guess every marvel is for kids" i said
"Is Flo an sad movie?" I read
"I don't know ,but everyone ended up crying and at premiere only we were laughing " Javon said
"Yeah ,and when we were filming we tried our best not to laugh" i added
"But if everyone cried it is an sad movie " Javon said
"Is Flo coming with on an other season ?" Javon read
"Well Kevin said we will have Flo 2 so yeah" i said
"Is Flo the strongest avenger? Well I don't think so , but I'm team Thor" i said
"And I'm team Wanda "Javon said
"At premiere Kevin said that I'll be..." I started and then I was thinking what he said he said 'the strongest avenger in the future' so this mean I'll be the strongest,but if I say it it will be an spoiler ,so I better shut my mouth
"Is Flo and Flux dating?" I read ignoring what I just said
"They just kissed ,but I don't know " said Javon
"I don't know too" i said
" okay guys this was google say ,hope y'all a good day " i said smiling
"Good bye marvelsa " Javon said and I giggled at this name .
We were done we said goodbye to everyone and went home
"How was it?" Jess asked us
"It was good " i said ,we went to Javons room .
"I'm changing in your clothes I can't stay anymore in skirt "i said and he nodded
I putted some sweatpants and an shirt and laid in bed with him
"After Kevin said the strongest avenger in the future does it mean I am going to be the strongest or us , cus we have the same powers "i said
"Well ,maybe one of us die ,or everyone dies leaving us or we are going to be mor powerful than them "he said
"We have to wait till avengers " i said
We were chilling when Jaden came
"Wanna come out with me ,jayla and daelo "he said
"Yes "I said standing up,i looked at Javon,he doesn't looks okay with that
"Come on "i said grabbing his arm ,he changed and I kept those clothes,I didn't look bad at all
We went to jadens car , jaden was driving,jayla at the passenger seat me Javon and daelo at the back . We were going to an gun shooting range which was an hour drive.
Daelo was in the middle and he looks tired.
" Wanna sleep on my lap" I asked ,he nodded and putted his head on my lap and his legs on Javons lap
"What-" Javon started but I cutted him with an shhh , I started brushing daelos hair with my fingers till he felt asleep.
We went to the place and I shook daelo a little bit to wake up.
We went in.
"Have you ever been here?" Javon asked
"No" i said
"I can teach you" he said smiling and I nodded
Everyone started shootings,but me and daelo sat a little bit since daelo was still tired
"You know how to shoot?" I asked him
"Yeah "he nodded
"Oh . Looks like I'm the only one who don't know " I said smiling and he smiled too
"It's not that hard ,is like you're playing a game "he said and I nodded
"Do you love Javon?" He asked
"With my heart "i said smiling
"Cool ,he always talks about you ,he says that you're the best girl and than he fight with jayla for you " he said giggling and I slide hugged him.
"Bells ,wanna try?" Javon says
"Wanna come with us ?" I asked daelo
"Nah I'm laying here " he said and I smiled at him
I went to Javon
"Spread your legs a little bit, let me put your glasses ,look at the dart and when you're ready shoot" he said I did as he said and then shoot.
At least I hit the dart
"Great " he said smiling
"Okay ashtray " i said smiling
We spend there our day and then decided to go home ,I went to mine and they at theirs.
"Dylan " I shouted
"What " he said
"Come to my room "i said
He came to my room
"What do you want?" He asked sitting in my chair
"Nothing I just missed you" i said
"You kidding me?" He said standing up
"Why you're my brother ?" I said"and I'll go to New York in two days ,wanna come?"
I said
"Can I bring my girlfriend?" He said
"You mean my sister? Anyway why should you ask me bring her "I said
"I love you " he said kissing my forehead and leaving my room. I chilled on Netflix with my aunt and then fell asleep

Eye contact | Javon Walton Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang