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Bella's pov

He took his shirt off and
Lord have mercy
I was trying to focus at him ,he noticed and smirked I smiled at him
"You okay wanna"his dad said
"Yeah don't worry"i said not breaking the eye contact
"You let me win"i said trying to start a conversation
"Istg,do you think I will let someone punch me and make my nose bleed"he said and I smiled and took off the napkin just a little to see if it bleeding anymore and it wasn't I wiped his face like a good mom and we both started laughing
"The blood is dry go to the bathroom and wash your face" I said smiling
"Your hand, you have blood on your hand come on" he tooked my hand and we ran to the bathrooms I stoped
"You can go to the boys and I will go to the girls" I said and looked at me
"Oh come on there is no one "he said and tooked my hand again ,we went in and I was washing my hands and I looked at him through the mirror
"You know I look hot like this " he said and we both laughed
"Yeah yeah "I said looking down at my hands
"So you think im hot " he said and I looked at him again
"Now come and wash your face"i said smiling and I know I was blushing I mean who wouldn't with a boy shirtless in the same bathroom as you.
"I don't know how too"he said smirking at me
"Okay come here mommy will take care of you"i said laughing
"Okay mommy "he said come closer to me .I put my hand on water and started to wipe his face I then got some toilet paper and wiped his face the whole time he were only looking at me .
We heard an knock
"Javon are you in there" it was javons dad and we walked out and we forgot we were at the same bathroom
"Wait you guys were together " he said looking at us
"Yeah she was helping me with my nose plus she had blood on her hands"javon said I like how he don't hide any thing to his dad
"Okay?let's go we just started "he said and we went at our places ,we started doing push ups and stuffs and I started to sweat so I took off my brother's shirt showing my gym bras.

Javons pov

She took off her shirt showing her gym bras and  her abs were just perfect.she was sweating and her hair were kinda messy but she still looks good then she stood up and started fixing her hair at the mirror. Why does she looks so hot doing that?she made eye contact with me from the mirror and smiled at me her smile were just so cute I smiled back

After three hours we were done. I was with my dad going to get our bags
"What happened in the bathroom did you guys kissed"my dad said tasting me
"No we don't, and I don't think she likes me"i don't know why I said that and fr I don't think she feels the same ,we met yesterday and she probably looks at me as a friend
"Are you kidding me son let me switch myself with jayla ,javon she is so nice to you ,have you seen the way you guys look at each others, and if she was an other girl first of all she wouldn't box that good plus they will laugh if they would hurt you ,have you seen her worried face when your nose started bleeding how she yelld at her dad for an napkin and the way she helped you with your nose and she helped you at the bathroom ,right, no other girl would do that not even me"he said imitating my sister
"You won't help me and leave me there bleed" I said acting hurt and we both started laughing
"Why don't you ask her to come over" my dad suggested
"Good idea " I said
"Good luck "he said as I walked towards Bella. She was packing her things
"Hey would you like to come over tonight ,if you want"i said nervous
"Yeah sure let me ask my dad"she said and I smiled

Bella's pov

I went to my dad
"Hey dad can I go over javons today "I asked him
"Only if you tell me if you like him" he said smirking
"Dad"i said annoyed
"Only if you tell me"he said again I sighed
"I meannn "I said
"Yes I knew it, you can go he looks like a good boy,but you have to tell me everything when you come home"he said I nodded and smiled at him
"Bye dad "I said while hugging him
"Bye jingle bell" he said and we started laughing
"Aww not again "I said waved at him and goes to javon
"He agreed" I said
"Okay let's go"

We went to there car. We had small conversations about boxing and acting till we went home. We were at the door and DJ opened the door jayla was at the living room and when she saw me she ran and hugged me, then Jaden came downstairs
"Omg is Bella" he said and ran like a girl and hugged me too
"Who is Bella" a little boy came from downstairs
"Daelo Bella, Bella Daelo " javon said
"hi Daelo "I said as I sat on my knees to hug him
"Hi Bella " he said then their mom came
"Hi Mrs.Walton "I said
"Call me Jess sweetie"she said smiling and I smiled back. Let's go to my room jayla said grabbing my hand
"Hey Ive got her" javon said as we laugh.

We went to jaylas room and we started talking
" I think I need a shower"i said
"Right let me get you clothes "she said and grabbed some of her sweatpants but thy looked to big for me ,I mean she is 5,7 and I'm 5,2
"Let's go to our short King "she said

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