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It was 5:36 in the morning. Kaminari and Lucky were sitting on the balcony outside of Kaminari's dorm room. Lucky was leaning on his shoulder, both were sitting on beanbag chairs drinking iced coffee. It was a warm spring day, and school was about to let out for spring break in a few days.
"I'm gonna miss you," Lucky says sadly.
"Really?" Kaminari looked down at the brunette.
"Yeah, of course," Lucky nodded, drinking her iced coffee.
"What about Bakugou?" He asked.
"What about him?" Lucky asked. Her boyfriend was asleep in his room already, he doesn't like staying up late for whatever reason, so he's already in bed by 8pm. Meanwhile Lucky could stay up all night without any trouble at all. So could Kaminari, which is why she came to his room.
"I don't think he'll be very happy to hear that you'll miss me," Kaminari smiles softly, looking out at the open forest out in front of him.
"Well you're my best friend," Lucky shrugged. "I bet he'll miss Kirishima, even if he won't admit it."
"True," He smiled again and nodded, drinking his cup of coffee.
"What are you idiots doing?"
Lucky recognized the scruffy voice, she turned around to see Bakugou standing in the balcony entrance.
"Watching the sunrise," Lucky answered.
"Wanna join us?" Kaminari asked.
"Why would I want to do something so stupid?" Bakugou scoffed.
"Katsuki, just come sit," Lucky said.
The blonde sighed and sat in front of his girlfriend on the floor. She put her legs on his shoulders.
"Why are you up so early?" Kaminari asked. "You usually don't wake up til classes start."
"What, did you memorize my sleep schedule or something?" Bakugou growled at him.
"I woke up early and went to check on this idiot," He layed his head on Lucky's leg. "But she wasn't in there. I had a feeling she came in here."
"How'd you know that?" Lucky asked, twisting his hair.
"Oh please," Bakugou rolled his eyes. "You two are like Dumb and Dumber. You're inseparable."
"Don't act like you and Kiri aren't the same way," Lucky rolled her eyes with a smile.
"As if, I'm not friends with that loser," Katsuki scoffed. "What time is it?"
"5:47," Kaminari answered. "Why?"
"Don't question me," The blonde said. He leaned his head up at Lucky, who was tangling her fingers in his spiky hair.
"Do you want some coffee?" She asked him.
"What kind?"
"It's my Dunkin Donuts order, a bunch of sugar basically." She chuckled.
"All that sweet shit isn't good for you," Katsuki reminded her.
"I know you can't be talking," Lucky laughed.
"Dude you literally smell like caramel," Kaminari chimed in.
"Burnt caramel specifically," Lucky added.
"Tch," Katsuki scoffed. "That's only because of my quirk."
"If you say so," Lucky grinned.
"Just gimme the coffee."
"You're such a hypocrite," The brunette chuckled as she passed her boyfriend a glass of iced coffee.
Katsuki drunk from the glass, the sweetness wasn't as bad as he thought it'd be. He looked out at the forest in front of him, thinking about how grateful he was to be with the person he cared about the most.

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