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♡Characters Included♡

"Lucky?" Mina calls from the other side of the door while knocking.
Lucky was laying in her bed, her left knee wrapped in an adhesive bandage.
"Yes?" She responds.
"Can I come in?" The pinkette asks.
"Yeah, it's open," Lucky answers.
Mina swings open the door to Lucky's dorm room. She was in her pajamas, which wasn't too unusual since it was around 8:00.
"Me and the boys are having a movie night," She says while closing the door behind herself. She walks over to Lucky's bed. "You wanna join?"
"As fun as that sounds.." Lucky smiles while thinking about spending time with Bakugou, then she frowns. "I can't."
"Aw why not?" Mina frowns as she sits on the end of her friend's bed.
"My leg hurts and I feel like shit," Lucky groans while gesturing to her wrapped up knee.
"What happened?!" Mina gasps and bolts up as her attention is directed to Lucky's injury.
"I don't know," Lucky shrugs. "Me and Izuku we're training together last week and ever since then its been hurting. Which is weird since I didn't hit it at all."
"You poor thing," Mina whines. "I'm gonna go get the others!" She stands up. Lucky quickly grabs her wrist.
"Please don't," she says. "Especially not Bakugou. He's gonna think Izuku did it and beat the shit outta him."
"True," Mina agrees. "Maybe don't mention the part about Deku?"
"Exactly," Lucky nods.
Mina gives Lucky a thumbs up after being released from her grasp. She walks out of the room.
"Be right back!" She calls.

A few minutes later, Kirishima, Sero Kaminari, Mina, and Bakugou are all crowded around Lucky's bed. Kaminari was cross-legged on the floor with Sero. Mina was standing beside Kirishima, who was sitting at the foot of the bed. Bakugou was sitting on the floor next to Lucky's face, resting his head on the edge of her bed.
"So remind me again what happened," he says.
"I told you already, I don't know," Lucky was running her fingers through Bakugou's ash blonde hair.
"You mean to tell me that you got hurt and don't know how?" He asked, slightly annoyed. Bakugou's aggression was slightly toned down when he was around Lucky, but never completely.
"Yes," Lucky sighed.
"I don't know how dumb you think I am, but I don't buy it."
"Yeah, I kinda find that hard to believe," Kirishima frowns. He didn't like seeing Lucky in pain or any type of discomfort. Not because he liked her, but he was just that that kind of guy.
"Seriously Kiri?" Lucky looked over at him. His hair was down, which Lucky always found cute, not cuter than Bakugou's hair of course, but cute.
"Yes Lucky," The redhead sighed. "But I won't push you to answer."
"Thank you," Lucky turned back to Bakugou.
"So what are we gonna do now?" Sero asked. Lucky shrugged.
"We can watch movies in here," Kaminari suggested.
"If Lucky's okay with it then sure," Mina agreed. They looked at Lucky.
"I don't mind," Lucky said nonchalantly, still stroking Bakugou's hair.
"What do you guys wanna watch?" She asked.
"You got Netflix?" Sero asked.
"Of course," Lucky tossed the remote to him. "Go crazy."
"Let's watch 365 days!" Mina suggests happily.
"Not that crazy," Lucky chuckles.

The group ended up watching episodes from A Series of Unfortunate Events.
"If I were those dumbass kids, I'd kill Olaf," Bakugou rolls his eyes.
"But they can't," Lucky says. "That's the point of the show."
"Whatever," Bakugou huffs.
"I would've just ran away," Kaminari shrugs.
"They are running away," Kirishima responds.
"Can you all shut up so I can hear Lemony narrate?" Mina groans.
"I didn't wanna be the one to say it," Sero chuckles.
"Sorry, sorry," Lucky puts her hand over both her and Bakugou's mouths. Bakugou sighs in frustration.

At around 12 in the morning, the six teenagers are asleep. They'll get scolded by Aizawa in the morning for sleeping in the same dorm, but they'll deal with that in the morning.

The end<3
[Word count: 680]

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