Chapter 5

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The week after, things carried on. Damian was in his groove again. He had moved on from the sandy beauty to focusing on work. Today, he's doing a 12-hour shift instead of 24 hours. Then a 10-hour tomorrow, then 48 hours off.

Things were going swell at the station today. So far there's was only one minor call that came in since the shift started. Team two handled it. Nothing much has happened since. There are 4 hours left until it's time to head home.

Damian spent somewhat free time cleaning the firetruck with Jack. They loaded up extra equipment and made sure everything needed is where it was supposed to be. Jack was busy checking over the hose and making sure nothing is faulty. Faulty equipment is the bane of a firefighter.

Both silent broods worked in harmony alongside each other. The captain in his office doing what he does. Mitch with the reserved firefighters were working out in the station's gym.

Good physical fitness is essential to being a Firefighter. Especially as every year, we are tested on our physical fitness on the CPAT exam. Also known as the candidate physical ability test.

Jack came around towards Damian once he finished his role. Damian was about to finish as well and nodded to Jack. The other man signaled he'd be heading to the gym. Damian tipped his head at this and went about finishing up.

After this, he locked up the truck and properly stored all the cleaning supplies where they should be. He went to wash his hands and then went to the locker to check his phone. It had rung earlier when he hadn't had a chance to answer because of a meeting.

Damian found two missed calls from one number, O'Reilly. He wondered what he wanted. Probably called to pester him about the same thing. When is he coming back?


But O'Reilly didn't seem to get that. He was the last one still calling and asking him this. Even his old man had given up asking. You'd think O'Reilly would follow suit but no. The man had the persistence of a kid begging their parent for a toy they absolutely wanted.

Damian pondered if he should bother returning the call. He was growing tired of O'Reilly pestering him once a month about the same thing. It's been five years now and he still hasn't moved on.

Damian figured he'd call him later when he gets off work. Maybe one more speech, he's not coming back would finally make the message sink in for him.

Damian shut off his phone and decided he'd go lift some weights too to pass the couple hours he had left. After about 45 minutes of this, the station alarm sounded meaning they'd need to drop what they doing and move out.

Damian along with the rest moved with practice rhythm and suited up. Within 10 minutes team one was heading on. Captain brief them on the ride over to the home that was on fire.

The fire had begun to spread and did so fast. The team got into their designated roles and went to work. Damian set out with Mitch inside the 2 story home to pull out anyone who was trapped inside.

Damian found an older woman passed out. He picked her up easily and brought her outside. She had some burns but nothing too bad just on her arms. Damian consulted with the captain before going in.

"Is there anyone else inside? Cap."

Armstrong turned to Damian while still holding the hose steady that was pointed at the roof of the house.

He wasn't surprised to hear Damian speak. This was after all one of the few situations where he would communicate. He was going to answer him when Mitch came outside with an elderly man who was holding a book that looked burnt around the edges.

The EMTs were arriving too. Their captain came to get the lay of the land from Captain Armstrong.

Mitch directed the other EMTs to the rescuees. He nodded and the older man and pat him on the back. Soon he came beside the two captains and Damian.

"Cap I was informed by the gentlemen that no one else was inside. They lived alone."

The captain turns to me giving me a look as if to say there you go, son. Domain nodded and ventured off to the truck. To pull another hose direct at the flames.

Before long they were put out completely. The team began loading up as they finished their job. The older lady was laying on a gurney inside the ambulance while getting assistance from an oxygen mask. The older man was being looked at getting basic first aid to his forehead.

He must have gotten a laceration. He does seem pale so he probably bled a bit. Damian looked up at the indigo sky. The night was here. They had arrived as the sun shed its last light.

Cars could be heard speeding in the distance. A highway is nearby. The neighborhood otherwise is quiet as the team got in the truck and pulled off again. Damian enjoyed the night ride back to the station...

He preferred nighttime over the daytime.


He stepped inside his empty apartment at 10:45 pm. It was late but he decided to dial O'Reilly anyhow. That's what he gets for annoying him. Damian sat in his living room after locking his door. He felt so exhausted but he's used to it.

O'Reilly answered quickly.

"Evans you returned my call." He sounded very surprised. Usually, he wouldn't but Damian decided to not beat around the bush this time.

"I did."

The calloused male didn't sound pleased in the least in his harsh tone. O'Reilly smirked on his end as he knew he wouldn't be from the moment he answered.

"We need you back man. When will you realize this lifestyle you've chosen isn't for you? You were bread for this life not to be a firefighter."

O'Reilly couldn't care how Evans would take his affirmative statement. He wholeheartedly believed what he was spouting to his brother.

Damian rose from 0 to 100 real quick. He was sick and tired of them trying to have him go back to the Mafia life. It was not going to happen. He was able to finally get out five years ago and he made a promise to never step back in it cause he knew if he did, he'd never have the luxury to leave again.

"O'Reilly I'm going to say this one more time. I'm not coming back to the family business. I'm done. I made my choice already so you need to move on."

Damian gritted out. He was tired of preaching the same thing.

"I don't believe that Evans. Your father and brothers might have given up but I haven't. No one leaves the mafia. They are in it for life. One day you'll see this. That's all I called earlier to say."

Damian hung up before he could utter another word about you don't leave the mafia bullshit to him. He shook his head livid he had some nerve saying all this to him. If he was still a part of that lifestyle he wouldn't think twice about finding him and shooting him. But he doesn't shoot people anymore. He saves lives not take them.

Damian went on with his night. Eating, getting ready for bed as he had to wake early tomorrow. Sleep fought with him before he finally fell into its grip.

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