You just smiled trying not to laugh. Diane looked over with a smile of her own.

"Enough," Marmalade yelled.

You then turned towards him. "How did you even know we'd be here?"

"Oh, I got a little tip..." Marmalade said with a smile. "From a friend."

You looked at him confused. "What friend because last time I checked you had none."

"Ha!" Wolf uttered a loud laugh that made Diane hit his arm for him being too loud.

Marmalade struggled to hold a straight face as a shadow slithed up behind him and approached us.

Snake smirked at us. "Hey buddy." he then turned to you "Y/N. How's it hanging?"

Neither you nor Wolf could believe that your best friend would double cross you. To break up the Bad Guys and partner with the enemy?

"Snake...but why?" You asked.

"Because I'm the bad guy, remember?" Snake said.

"Oh yeah?" Wolf said. "How's it feel working for your favorite food?"

"You're just jealous to be missing out on the house of the century." Snake spat. "It's got everything: betrayal, a meteor, mind control..."

He looked over at Marmalade and gestured to the mind control helmet.

" Can I try it on?"

Marmalade nodded, pulling it off. "Of course... partner!"

Snakes at the helmet on his own head. " Nice," Snake said concentrating. " all the crime, with none of the exercise."

"But why do it all, Professor?" Diane asked marmalade.

" you've got everything!"

"Yeah," Wolf added.

"And what about the flower goodness? Was it all just a lie?" You spoke up.

Marmalade shrugged. " pretty much, yeah. You see, I never cared about what's good. Only what's good for me. Like, say, one billion dollars!" he shivered, thinking about all the money heading towards him, right that very moment.

" Ooh! I just got a tingle!" he giggled, then he and Snake turned to leave us so they could finish carrying out their evil scheme.

"See ya, Wolfie. Foxy."

"Go bad or go home." Snake fist bump Marmalade. Then marmalade gestured to his servant. "Cuddles, finish them!"

As soon as the door closed behind snake and marmalade, cuddles pulled a lever and the ground under us opened up refilling a pit full of razor sharp blades., And the blade started spinning at the same time we began to slowly drop toward the grinding machine.

Diane glanced over at a pair vents, which were now admitting a deadly looking green gas into the room.

"Poison gas!" She warned us.

"Like the spinning blades weren't enough. Don't breathe it in!" You yell.

Cuddles panicked at the side of the gas and was immediately knocked out by the fumes.

" I breathe it in!" Wolf wailed.

You looked over at him concerned until he spoke.

" hey... that's not poison gas!"

"Surprise!" Piranha street as he, shark and webs burst out of one of the vents on the wall.

"What?!" Wolf said, we were all shocked and thrilled to see your buddies. "

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