the discovery

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Madison carrying her lunch tray with food and drinks on top towards Amity blight friends table to sit with then. Skara noticed Amity walking toward them and said, "hey Amity." They thought Amity for a second and she begin to speak with the voice of Madison Spector, "greetings ladies." Both of them in shocked that Madison is speaking with them not Amity.

Boscha: "Madison! What are you doing inside of Amity body?"

Skara: "where Amity at?"

Amity reflection on glass cup of blood apple juice right next to her food, "don't worry I'm right here inside the reflection glass cause she control my body to become moon knight fight against jackal inside girls restroom. But I need my body back please."

Madison: "fine."

They switched places to each other, Amity back to her body and begin to speak with her own voice, "finally, you let me summoned the suit maybe tomorrow, please Madison." She replied back to her with polite, "of course young lady."

Skara: "alright."

Boscha: "we can't wait for it tomorrow."

Then suddenly gus porter stop right next to their table while reading tale of ancient Egypt and boscha said to him in rude, "hey porter, are you reading huh?" He look at them and said, "i'm reading tale of ancient Egypt that all, do you know humans built pyramid for their king forever and they praised Egyptian gods too, that amazing." He turned the book around to show them with the image of Khnoshu.

Gus: "this bird god like creature named Khnoshu, the Egyptian god of the moon and vengeance

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Gus: "this bird god like creature named Khnoshu, the Egyptian god of the moon and vengeance. He is a member of the ennead, the heliopolitan race of gods that were worshipped by the humans of ancient Egypt  but he bandish by God's cause he's childish and selfish."

Khnoshu: "I show you selfish, little boy."

He use his magic to push empty lunch tray off the table to the floor that alarm everyone in the cafeteria.

Gus: "what was that?"

Madison: "probably from the wind, my dear boy."

Gus: "thank you reflection of Amity blight."

He stop for second in fear about talking with Amity reflection on the glass to cause him skin goes pale like a ghost and running away in fear exit the cafeteria and trio laugh about it.

Skara: "good one, ms. Spector."

Boscha: "that show him for sure."

Amity: "yeah."

Madison: "thank you ladies."

[New chapter is out for today]

Amity blight the moon knight witch Where stories live. Discover now