15. Dont do drugs kids

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We both skipped dinner the previous night and just slept, she slept all through the night but I couldn't sleep at all, I kept getting up and making sure she was still breathing this girl is a serious pain in the ass. I think she's more trouble than she's worth. She woke up the next morning and put her arms around me, my back turned to her. I turned my head and held her hands "good morning miles" she said in a tired voice "good morning baby" I replied and she smiled at me, I'm not sure she remembers anything from when she's high, I didn't want to get mad at her but I did want to talk to her about it, "after breakfast I need to talk to you." I said "Uhm ok?" She said giggling "am I in trouble? You sound like a dad" she was still giggling and it pissed me off "no you're not fucking in trouble, you scared the fuck out of me last night. What is wrong with you?" I blurted out


"Miles what are you-" he cut me off and I flinched as he spoke almost yelling at me "I thought you just smoked weed? But I find out you're on fentanyl now? What the fuck? You told me you didn't do that shit anymore?" He was now yelling at me and I didn't remember anything from the night before, what had I told him, I wanted to keep it from him I didn't want him finding out about that stuff, I started crying..

"miles, I'm sorry, you just.. you don't understand the things going on In my head. I'm so alone miles and I- I hate myself and I hate everything right now and i-I'm just so sad and alone and it won't go away and I'm trying to stop but I-I can't I can't stop, I just ca-" I was cut off by him hugging me.

"I know." He said now in a quiet tone "that's why you have me, you don't have to do it alone dumb ass" I calmed down and laid with him talking for awhile, miles never talked much so it was nice for him to just listen, I knew he didn't care about me dying but he cared about how it would make him feel if I died. That's why I loved him, not loved, that's not what I meant, that's what I liked about him, he didn't pitty me, or treat me like a child, he just let me speak and listened, his silence was all I needed to feel ok..

He took me outside to smoke and we sat there in silence until we ended up smoking the whole blunt, he was nice to smoke with, quiet and solemn. "You know I don't give a shit if you do drugs." He said "yeah, I know." I replied "you just, you can't do shit like fentanyl, you don't live long enough to get hooked on that stuff, it kills you, fast." He said stern but quiet "yeah.... I know.." I replied again "whatever, just don't do it again. Or I'll knock you out" he smirked at me and passed the blunt "deal" I said taking a hit of it "deal" he repeated. It was cold and I wasn't wearing pants, still in miles sweater.

Flora came skipping out of the house and Kate followed her "we're gonna go horseback riding if you two wanna come" Kate said, miles looked over at me and I shook my head no "na were good" he said to Kate "suit yourself lame-o" Kate said smiling

I turned to miles "can we go inside, I'm freezing" I was shivering and holding my arms close to me "yeah sure let's go" he helped me up and threw me over his shoulders like a bag "I'm not a sack of potatoes" I said giggling "no? I could've sworn you where" he chuckled and took another hit of the blunt before putting it out and carrying me inside

Once we were inside miles had Mrs.grosse prepare me breakfast, or rather 'brunch' me and miles ate at the table while Mrs. grosse cleaned up the kitchen "how are you feeling" miles said turning to me "I'm fine miles, don't worry." I replied to his question "yeah whatever" he rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

Once we where done I thanked Mrs.grosse and me and miles walked up to his room, we talked for hours about nothing in particular, just everything, he told me about quint, and his parents, and I talked about quint and my own parents and kids at school, and everything. Miles knew every detail about me, and I like to think that i know everything about him.

I talked with y/n for hours, about anything and everything, we vaped and smoked weed, she showed me scars she had inflicted on herself and I showed her mine, one on my stomach, 3-4 on each wrist, a couple on my feet, and some around my throat, she looked shocked but she understood. She's the only one who understands me, that's what I loved about her, well I loved everything about her, everything she did was perfect.

She was perfect.

I put my hands on her face, and kissed her, it felt like we kissed for what felt like hours, a good kiss, she was really beautiful. I wanted her, all of her, her good, her bad, her dark and light. I wanted her all the time, I fell asleep to her, I woke up to her. It wasn't normally how obsessed I was with the thought of us being together, our children would have her hair, my eyes, if all went well that is.

We'd be together forever.

-One last kiss-  (miles Fairchild x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now