8. Lets, ride

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I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I kept on thinking about miles.. his hand around my wrist, he was so... hot.. the way he looked at me, when the realization hit him of what he was doing to me, Miles was terrifying and I decided I'd try to keep my distance, despite him being absolutely beautiful.. Mrs. Grosse called me and Miles down for breakfast.. I got dressed and went down. I wore pretty much the same thing as yesterday except wearing leggings instead of a skirt because we where going to go horseback riding today.

"Good morning sunshine" Miles said to me with a faint smile as we exited our rooms at the same time. He was acting like nothing happened last night,  I ignored him as I felt his eyes look me up and down. "Creep." I said scoffing and brushed his shoulder as I walked past. "Hey! I was just about to come get you guys!" Kate said.. I can't stand her voice. She's infuriating. "Quit speaking." I ordered she stood up "you will not talk to me like that y/n." I looked up at her and walked closer to her looking up and whispering quietly so flora couldn't hear,

          ⚠️TW ! VIOLENT THREATS⚠️!

"no Kate, you will not talk to me like that. I however, will talk to you however I please, because we both know you're nothing compared to me, compared to a thoroughbred. don't talk to me like you're the boss, or even like you're an equal, or I'll cut your neck open and watch you bleed. All you are is a bug waiting to be squished. Do you want me to squash you Kate?" I was calm, not angry, just annoyed, I spoke to her in a monotoned voice and looked up tilting my head in a questioning demeanor. I shocked even myself with those words.. I had never spoken so.. violently. To someone. Miles was the only one who heard what I said I could see it on his face. I kept a straight faced, calm demeanor hopefully freaking her out. Who does the lady think she is?? It amuses me to be quite frank.

I messed up last night, and now? she won't even talk to me.. I finally thought I broke through a layer of her wall and 3 more rebuilt in its place, I wanted to tell her I was sorry, that I would never do anything to hurt her, and I didn't wanna do anything but keep her safe.. but I just, couldn't.. she was wearing my sweater again.. this time with leggings. I was infatuated by her.. she looked so cute with my sweater enveloping her entire torso, she wore the sleeves up down her hands instead of letting them rest at her wrist. Kate began to say something as we walked in the dining room before y/n curt her off "quit speaking." I was a little surprised she was usually quietly condescending and usually treated servants with respect, but she probably didn't sleep last night after.. what I did.

"You will not talk to me like that" Kate spoke stern and strong. Y/n got close to Kate and whispered in her ear so flora couldn't hear, I could barley hear her.. " "no Kate, you will not talk to me like that. I however, will talk to you however I please, because we both know you're nothing compared to me, compared to a thoroughbred. don't talk to me like you're the boss, or even like you're an equal, or I'll cut your neck open and watch you bleed. All you are is a bug waiting to be squished. Do you want me to squash you Kate?"

She spoke in a monotoned voice.. it was so... endearing I was beyond shocked, but very impressed. I knew I just knew she was like me.. she was perfect. "So!" I said clapping my hands together pretending I didn't hear the exchange, "can I still teach you how to ride a horse?" I smirked at Kate, and turned to y/n, "do you still wanna help Kate learn to ride?" I asked her quietly. "I already said I would didn't I?" She rolled her eyes and walked up to her room.

She came back a couple moments later with her riding shoes in hand. "Let's go." I smirked at her as she walked by me and Kate in a huff. "Miles.." Kate said "yeah?" I responded "did you and y/n get into an, argument?" She continued "is that why she's being insufferable??"

I looked at my feet.. "yeah we did, I didn't mean to start an argument I really didn't I was just-" Kate looked at me worried.. "hey, it's ok.. she'll come around, and if she doesn't that's her loss right?" "No." I said stern as I looked at her "Don't say that. Don't say anything like that about her. She's perfect." "Miles-" Kate started, I stopped her "drop it. Now." I started jogging to catch up with y/n she was nearly at the stables already, I heard Kate's shoes as she followed.

*at the lesson*
Miles whiped the horse while I shouted at Kate, "SIT UP STRAIGHT!" "SQUEEZE YOUR THIGHS!" I yelled. "REIGN HER IN TIGHT" miles called out to her. Kate reigned in the horse, I smiled slightly looking at miles, "commoners eh?" I joked, He chuckled staring back at me. "Miles I'm boreddd" flora said as she was laying on her blanket with nothing to do. "What do you suggest we do than huh?" He gave flora the most loving smile. This guy is so confusing.. "can we show Kate and y/n the koi pond?" Miles turned to me, "it's floras favorite part of the grounds, let's check it out" he smiled and I smiled back.. we got on our horses me with flora and miles with Kate, once we reached the pond flora started talking to Kate and running with her as me and miles fell behind "y/n," he started, "what happened miles.. it was like you suddenly weren't you"I cut him off.. a moment of silence before miles spoke "my doctor says it's bipolar depression from loosing my parents, and quint.. mood changes, panic attacks, irrational outbursts and shit.. but I think I'm just plain fucked up. I mean you'd think I was crazy if I told you what went on in my head.." "I don't think that's true miles.." I said softly starting at my feet. He pointed at my wrist "let's see it" he said in a challenging tone, I held my wrist and wouldn't let him see. "Exactly," he started, "I'm sorry y/n.. I never never. Meant to hurt you, I scared myself when I did that to you" he looked and nodded towards my wrist.. "I'm fine miles.. you didn't hurt me, you just scared me, like really fucking scared me.." I said calmly. "I know.." he responded before hearing a child's scream.

me and miles both looked up flora! We both ran next to what she was looking at "ITS GOTTA FISH!" She screamed. Miles ran at it while I followed "get away from her!" He shouted shooing the bird. I stepped next to the fish before stepping on its head smashing it in, flora and Kate where startled while miles smiled slightly at me "y/n!" Kate said while flora followed with "that was my favorite fish" I looked up and stared at all three of them, me and miles made eye contact "no living thing should have to suffer.." he said staring at me. "Exactly." I responded nodding at him.


    I'm far more like miles than I realize..

-One last kiss-  (miles Fairchild x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora