"Have to cut this one short Danny, I'm sure I will be back here in ten, keep an eye on-" I start but shake my head and drain the remaining contents of the glass. "Never mind." I sprint to the dorms where I knew they will be and I was right, Eric looking like he was about to murder someone, everyone looking like they didn't want to be that someone, Will and Christina looking around, probably for me, and Four with a bandage on his nose. 'Sorry' I mouthed to him, he just smiles and nods.
"It's about time, Initiate." Eric snaps.
"Do you want me to kick you where the sun don't shine?" I snap, the alcohol making me even easier to piss off.
"Do you want to be hanging from the chasm?"
"Do you want to be left alone?" I ask, only us two knowing the depth of that threat. His eyes filled with ice and fire at the same time. He pulls off the white cloth covering the rankings and I was shocked to see my name first. I looked over the rankings and seen Peter was second, but the gap between our names were massive.


How am I going to explain that? Holy. Crap. I look over the rankings and see Will and Christina are seventh and ninth.

"Congratulations." They say in small voices, is this my divergence showing? Or my insurgence?
"Thanks." I say before turning away and walk back up the steps.
"Where you going?"
"To get pissed." I say and slam the door behind me. I stomp my way back to my designated seat in the bar and bang my head against the bar.
"How did you do?" He asked me.
"I came first."
"Really that's awesome!"
"Could say that."
"If you came first then why you do you look miserable?"
"Because I am miserable Sherlock."
"Because! You heard what Peter did to Edward because he was beating him, what will he do to me?"
"If he lays a finger on you, he will have me, your brother, and your cold and ruthless boyfriend to deal with."
"He doesn't seem very cold and ruthless." I tell him.
"Oh trust me, he is. You changed him, since day one of training his cold and ruthless side of him dipped, it dipped because of you."

~~~~time skip because I'm not a pansycake~~~~~~

I had just left the bar after finishing off my fourth zombie. Like I told Christina and Will I was going to, I'm pissed. I stumble down the corridors that was swaying like on a marine boat, or was it me swaying? I can't remember. I can't tell. As I walk down the corridor, I notice something disturbing. Very disturbing. It was quiet, it wasn't exactly lights out time but it's Dauntless, and it's quiet. Something didn't add up. As I went to continue stumbling my way down the corridor, I was grabbed. I went to scream, not fully sober and being alone didn't equal rainbows and unicorns but a large hand covered my mouth, the hand was familiar but being drunk kind of stilled down my senses. Like in Percy Jackson and the lightning thief when they ate the Lotus flowers. I thrash about trying to get out of the iron grips of my, well, kidnappers really. They have no idea who they are messing with, it's a shame I can't be that person right now, the fully classified and best teen CIA agent there is. I hear the rush of water and I instantly knew I was by the chasm. And I fully well know what they have planned. There is more than the sense of sight, sometimes you have to use your other gifts too. I remember being taught this and I take a deep breath through my nose, It was then I smelt a familiar scent, a scent that came with a sound, a sound of weeping. Sage and Lemongrass, this was Al. My heart dropped a little, what did I ever do to him? There must be more than just Al, there was too many hands to just be Al. Albert. His name is Albert, he doesn't deserve his name being shortened for his liking. The rush of the water soon becomes louder and I'm being forced against a metal bar. The metal bar to be exact. The one that Christina was left to hang on to for five minutes to make up for her cowardness, and now that I will be hanging from, to make up for being first. For being divergent. I feel a hand grope my chest.

"You actually do have a really nice body Prior, It's a shame I have to kill you." A voice higher than the average males tells me. Peter. I really jinxed myself this time didn't I?
"Stop that." Albert says in a warning tone but the groping never stopped. The hand trailed further down. I struggle and by some miricle, I manage to get the blindfold off. I put up a hell of a fight, kicking, punching but even with all the CIA training I never trained to do it while drunk, and that was my disadvantage at this point. I was yanked up and was put against the metal bar again.

"Bitch." Peter mutters.
"Pansycake." I spit at him.

I feel a warm, tingling feeling on my cheek and it didn't take me long to realise that Peter had slapped me. Pain shot through me and I hear shouting in the distance, I was dropped and my head banged against the metal bar on my trip down to the floor. I closed my eyes but could still hear grunting and flesh against flesh at a very fast pace, someone was beating the crap out of somebody else. I hear a pair of trainers squeaking as they run off. Coward. I feel a pair of arms pick me up bridal style, I didn't look or feel like a bride. I rest my head on a familiar broad chest.
"Eric." Was all I say before I slip into darkness to the beat of his steady yet wild heart. I love him.

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