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Mauve pov:

'Those eyes! ' I told myself. My face still in its shocked worried look. ' feel like I seen them before.' That why I'm shocked and worried.
I slowly walked backwards to my front door, still locking my eye contact with the shadow thing. I noticed the shadow slowly walking towards me. I then noticed it started running right at me!!! . I was about to whip around, and open my front door, but been tackled to the ground.

I slowly opened eyes. Blinking a few times. When eyes were opened, my eyes widened stareing back at to 2 different colour eyes. I look around, to see what tackled me and pinning to the ground of my porch. My eyes widened even more. My face turning into terror, scared, frightened and worry. I was tackled and pinned by a big gray and black wolf...

' What I'm I suppose to do!!???? ' I told myself. ' I can't do anything!. I can't get up the wolf is to big! ' I try looking around, trying to find something that can be useful, but I can't seem to find anything. I look back at the Wolf's eyes.
' I'm surprised he didn't attack me yet..' I told myself. "C-Can you ma- maybe um..g-get of me? " my voice shaking.
The wolf noticed me shaking and Trebbling. ( sorry if I spelled anything wrong 😅😅😅). He slowly back's away and runs away in to the woods.

Is My Best Friend The Wolf!?(my first story) Where stories live. Discover now