"Can you guys give us some privacy?"

I asked my friends and they obliged. I closed the bedroom door and relentlessly sat on the bed next to Saylor.

"Get on with it then."

I tell him, irritation evident in my voice.

"Did they find out about..."

Saylor made hand motions to my thighs. I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes.


"Shit. I'm sorry they must ha-"

"They didn't do anything. They have done nothing but comfort me and are letting me decide what I want to do. You don't have to worry about it. We barely know eachother anyways."

"I'm still going to worry about you. Whether you want me to or not."

I sigh.

"Whatever. You can leave now and let my friends back in."

"You must really hate me, don't you?"

"I never said that..."

I stood and opened the door.

"But you can leave now."


Saylor pretended he was offended and walked off. I left the door open hoping my friends would just come in. They didn't. They weren't even by the door. I shrugged. I've kinda had enough with people today. I left the door cracked open so my brothers or friends could come in. I was just laying in bed on my phone, actually shopping for a dress for the ball. I found a beautiful red, silk dress. It has gold chain straps and slit up the leg. I don't care if people will see my cuts, the dress itself will steal all the attention away anyway. It comes with red silk gloves that come up to my elbow. I ordered it do it should be here by the end if this week.

"Victoria, why are you in here alone? Where did your friends go?"

A very obviously drunk Luca walked in. Followed by the triplets. One either high or drunk and the other two sober.

"Sorry Tori. We'll get them out of here."

Ren apologized while trying to get Luca out of my room. Scout was trying to get Maliki out of my room. Yeah. My room. I'm coming to terms that this is my family. My house. My room. Well technically not my house but you get it. Ren closed my door on their way out but not even 3 minutes later Maliki walked back in. Only this time no one was with him. He sat himself at the end of my bed.

"Can I help you?"

He smiled. I think that's one of the few times I've seen him smile.

"My girlfriend got mad at me because I haven't been nice to my little sister. I mean can you believe it? Crazy. I mean it's not like I want to be mean to her but what if she gets taken away from us again? If I'm not close to her then her leaving won't affect me."

Maliki confessed in his drunken state. He doesn't even know who he's talking to.

"Right...why would your sister leave again? What if she just wants all her family to love her and be nice to her?"

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