Issue 55 - The Superior Spider Part 2

Start from the beginning

"No, no. No family, no friends or carers. Just you, Spider-Man, all I have left is you."

"I'm not sure how I'm supposed to help you, Doc. But I can wait until the end."

Ock looked up at me with a weak smile. "Oh, but you're already helping me. So helping me have a second chance."

My Spider-Sense echoed for a split second before Ock's metal arms pinned me down, being remote-controlled. Holding me up serval wires and devices were planned on my head. Struggling to move, I looked distraught. "What the hell have you got up your sleeve now, Doc?!"

"Isn't it obvious, Spider-Man, you're giving me a second chance? Doctor Otto Octavius shall die tomorrow, and I will become Spider-Man."

"You're going to steal my body?! Do you have any remorse at all?! You're a monster!"

Octavius kept cackling with an insane look readying the shift. "Did you really think I'd just sit down and accept my death so willingly? A man of my calibre and genius cannot be thrown aside so easily. I refuse to die when I still have so much left to give!"

I felt my mind being invaded, memories stolen, free will corrupted. Screaming out, I tried everything to escape as I pled with the mad Doctor. "Don't do this, Doc! This is madness!"

"Goodbye, old body, and say hello to the new me!" He screamed. As I felt myself slip away, suddenly, something else happened. A sharp pain tore through my head as something changed. My eyes widened, feeling overwhelmed. I could hear a voice echoing in my head. Was it Doom?

I could tell Octavius was also affected by this as he had a look of dread plastered over him. Quickly switching the device off, I fell to the ground coughing feeling worse for wear and weak. But I was still alive to fight another day.

Falling back in his bed, Octavius looked at his hands, horrified. "My God, what did I try to do? Taking one life so I could save mine?! What sort of Doctor am I?"

Lifting my hand, I held onto the bed, gripping it tightly, crushing the table next to me. Then, I slowly began to rise, holding my head in pain. "Spider-Man, are you alright? Please forgive me for what I've done; that wasn't right. Please say something!"

Wrapping my hands around Octavius' neck, I lifted him up, slowly squeezing. "Do you know what I think, Doc? I think you finally started to make sense. A man of your calibre cannot just be thrown aside so easily. Cancer? Give me a break. You deserve so much worse than that."

Struggling to breathe, Octavius tried stopping me,  gagging. "Spider-Man... Stop this; something is wrong; this isn't you. Come to your senses, boy; you're a hero! Heroes don't kill!"

"Says who?" Snapping his neck, I dropped Octavius' corpse on the floor, stumbling back and falling to my knees, coughing. Pushing Octavius back in the back, I kept hearing my phone go off. Taking it out, I saw it was MJ. "Hello?"

"Y/N?! Oh, thank God you're alright! I don't know what's happening; the Avengers lost it; they're attacking everyone. Where are you?!"

"Hold tight, MJ. I'll be right there; I won't let anyone hurt you." I whisper, hanging up and throwing my phone to the ground crushing it. Then, glancing at Octavius putting a finger to my lips. "Let's keep this our little secret, right, Doc?"


I glared at the crazed Spider-Man making sure Peni and Gwen were behind me. "You're psychotic. You murdered him in cold blood."

"Like how you murdered Norman Osborn? Don't look down on me like you're better, Y/N Parker. I would have died, my body snatched and used as a vessel for that vile man. It was self-defence; if it weren't for the axis event and the old Doc's change of heart, things would have been very different. That day, I was given a second chance to make amends and save the worthy. But look out there, Parker, does this world look worthy of my responsibility? They cling to my words like a plague allowing sacrifices and the unspeakable as long as they are safe. I despise everything about this world; I long for a better world that actually needs me!"

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