Start from the beginning

"So he was the one behind all this huh" Dagruel asked.

"You know Clayman you said that Carrion puts some bad idea in my mind and I destroyed this human nation right? But let me tell you something. Carrion is a good man and will never do something like that. I destroy Farmus because of their own greed and their ambition to destroy my country."

" Yay I was there too. And I also confirm that one of Clayman's subbordinate Myulan is still alive. In fact like he did with this man, he took his heart and puts some skill in it. The girl lost her free will. Clayman sent her in tempest to cause some chaos." Ramiris said.

"As you can see the mastermind behind all our problems is this man. Carrion you can remove your mask too" I said.

"Oh. Obviously nothing escapes you Rimuru. You noticed right?" Carrion said.

"Euh Carrion I think this mask is definitely too much relevant." Rimuru said.

"H-How how is it Possible. Don't tell me you knew all this since the begining" Clayman asked in fear.

"You have to understand something Clayman. First Milim and I had a promise and I will always take care of her. Second I don't want trouble I just want to leave peacefully with the world. But unfortunately for you, you were in the wrong side."

When Rimuru said this, the eyes of Milim started to glow. She was really happy. Of course she never forget about the promise Rimuru and her had. It's just she felt happy to hear it again. After all Rimuru was the one she cares a lot in this world.

"So Clayman would you mind telling me with who you work?" Rimuru asked. But of course he already knows it.

"Tsk you lowly monster. Do you really think I will betray my friends ? I won't" Clayman respond.

"Am I allowed to kill Clayman ?" Rimuru asked.

"Do as you want". Guy Respond

"Yay do it" Ramiris said.

Rimuru then puts a barrier. He was inside the barrier with Clayman. He remove his Universal thread. But Clayman feel like his power was leaving his body. He was on the ground looking at Rimuru.

Rimuru: Ciel If I unleash a fierce aura. Will the people outside the barrier can feel it too ?

C: <Answer. Yes>

Rimuru: Do it.

C: <As you wish Master.>

Rimuru then deploy his Dragon wings and instantly release his aura. He asked Ciel to put a kind of system on Clayman which allows him to feel the aura without passing away. In other terms, He is desperately going to look for air without a result. He will like he is been constantly crushing by Gravity. In fact, when Rimuru releases his aura, it results in Gravity Disorder. So for Clayman it's constantly pain after pain. Rimuru then approach Clayman slowly while canceling his aura.

"Clayman are you ready now to tell with whom you are working ?" Rimuru asked him with a smile.

"I-i-I already told you monster I will never betray my Friends." Clayman respond.

"You know Clayman, despite the fact that I don't like you, I really appreciate how you value your friends, and how you're ready to do anything to protect them. But let me tell you something." Rimuru then come closer to Clayman's ear.

<I already know with who you are working. Yukki, Tear, Kagali your president, Footman and Laplace. If they do something against me and my friends, I will kill them. Take this precious information your grave> Rimuru said.

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