5: Offers and Answers

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Riki brought his fists up in a defensive stance. "Who are you?" He demanded, backing into another person and twirling away from them too. "What the hell?! Are you with that slime guy?"

"No! That guy was creepy." One of them said, voice raspy. It sounded like he either smoked since he was born or had a fire quirk, but it didn't look like it. He was really scratchy.

"I saw how you handled that. I saw how you were abandoned by your supposed friend and-" The other man, a tall creepy guy with a mask of some weird medical kind and short black hair was speaking now.

"He didn't abandon me." Riki defended. Izuku would never abandon him. They made a promise to each other, they had to protect each other. They were gonna stick together, they were basically brothers. "He would never abandon me! He got carried away asking questions, he had a chance to meet his hero. I would take it too if I met mine. He knows that. We both do, we're hero geeks. You know nothing about me so shut the hell up! Shut up!"

"I can tell you're upset, but hear me out. Okay? All I'm asking is for a bit of time to present my case. You can do that, yes? Listen for a moment?" The man stood with his hands in an open gesture, an invitation of sorts.

"If he isn't gonna listen can we just go?" The other man said, more like an older teen really. He looked like a high-school third year. "Or we can dust him if he becomes a problem."

"Easy, Tomura. Not everything is solved with violence." Finally, the man said something Riki could agree with. He held a hand out to the man he called Tomura and put the other at his side. "So?"

"I'll listen but I'm not guaranteeing shit." Riki said, crossing his arms defensively. What were these guys trying to do, recruit him?

"Thank you." The man said. "In our organization, we believe in change. We recognize the flaws in our society, the flaws that we as humans have created." He waved a hand at the residual sludge. "All of this can be changed. Humans need to learn that having a power, having that mutation, having one less joint? None of that makes them special. None of that makes them better than anyone else. Having a quirk, a power, a gift from whomever created our species, that doesn't make you a god. A lot of heroes need to learn that, and we are committed to teaching them."

Tomura groaned and began scratching his jacket, hunched over pouting. "Can we just leave? Look at him, he's not interested and its hot! I want to go home!" He stomped his foot and grumbled more. Riki rose an eyebrow towards him, scoffing. What a joke. He was acting like a little kid and the man did nothing?

"Tomura, patience." The man said, turning his attention back to Riki. "I want to make the world equal. I want to give those people without privilege a chance. Those with that extra joint, with no power, they deserve just as much of a chance as those with them. You have a quirk yes? Do you not want to use it for good? To be a hero?"

"I don't have a quirk. I want to be a hero for people like me." Riki said, but he said nothing more, making it clear that he was weighing his options.

Getting bored, Tomura pulled a game out and began playing. The sound of Mario Kart filled the space as the older teen distracted himself.

The man held a hand up slightly and Riki nodded, agreeing to hear more. This was surprisingly civil for people who looked like villains. "Our organization is no walk in the park yet, nor are we part of the hero commission. We are free standing. People call us villains but we are far from villains. We are the secret saviors of this world. A league of heroes society didn't ask for but needs."

"I'm declining." Riki said. "I'm not able to join, I can't do that kind of thing right now. I have people I have to take care of."

The three sat in silence for a moment, even the game had been stopped. "Alright." The man said.

"What?! We're just gonna leave him?! We have to kill him don't we?!" Tomura protested, looking at Riki like a piece of meat.

"No. He has no malicious intent." He said. "Let's go Tomura." So, albeit begrudgingly on Tomura's part, the two left him.

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