Coffee Dates

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The two found themselves sitting across from each other, drinks in hand. Moonbin had opened up one of the dumpling boxes that was shoved into his arms by Sanha's mother before they were pushed out and onto the streets. Surprised, he was greeted by a completely full box.

"I should pay for this." He deadpanned looking down at the food in front of him before going to grab his wallet from his bag.

"NO!" the younger man reached over the table to stop him. "I mean. You paid for my drink and you didn't tell my mom about that night. Lets call it even" His hands retreated from across the table to the back of his neck as he gripped it from nerves.

"Your five dollar lemonade is way less than the three boxes of food your mother gave me. I could feed everyone who works at Limerence with this amount of food." Moonbin laughed.

They both awkwardly sat in silence after Moonbin's laugh faded out. Music floated around them and the buzz of cafe noise seemed to grow louder in their conversation's absence.

"Next time you are at the bar, I will pay for your drinks." Moonbin finally decided. He hated that feeling of owing someone something and he was definitely not going to take all this food for free.

Sanha just nodded in defeat, knowing that he probably wouldn't be going back to the bar for a while. Moonbin was right, he probably didn't belong there anyways.

Their forced coffee date was pretty short, mostly consisting of them sipping on their drinks in silence and wasting time before Sanha could reasonably go home and make it seem like they enjoyed their afternoon together.

Waving goodbye, Moonbin walked away from the direction Sahna and him both came, wanting nothing more than his own bed at the moment.

Pulling out his phone, the boy let out a loud groan. Still dead, but at least he now knew where the nearest subway was thanks to the boy who was watching him walk away.

Suddenly remembering work, he turned to face Sanha who was now a good twenty feet away.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?" He awkwardly had to raise his voice to make sure that he was heard. Luckily this street was completely empty.

The tree above him swayed in the wind, weighted down with cherry blossom buds that were waiting to bloom as Sanha looked confused for a second before nodding vigorously.

Moonbin held up his dead phone before continuing. "My phone died, what time is it?" He finally yelled.

Moonbin could feel his ears turning a bit red with how ridiculous this was. Why didn't he have a watch today of all days?

He watched as the other boy jumped and quickly pulled his own phone out, fumbling a bit he finally read out the time to the other.

"It's almost 5! Why?" he called back.

"Shit. I have work. Thanks!" Moonbin said with a half hearted wave before turning and speed-walking away.

As he left, he mumbled to himself about how there was no chance for a nap anymore, completely oblivious to the way the boy he had just left stood there watching his every move.

Sanha didn't step from his spot in front of the cafe until Moonbin had fully rounded the corner and was out of sight.

Once he did, a breath that the kid didn't even realize he was holding was let out. The scary bartender wasn't as intimidating during the light of day, it seems.


Moonbin showed up for his shift ten minutes late with a dead phone and completely exhausted. He had just the right amount of time to shower and find some clean clothing before he was rushing out the door agan.

A Bar Called LimerenceWhere stories live. Discover now