
Mulai dari awal

"H-hey Izuku. N-nice to see you again."

"Hey Tamaki. I'm surprised you're able to handle being in the spotlight like this. You seem to have gained a lot of confidence."

Immediately after saying this, Tamaki fell to his knees and hid under my desk. "That's the thing. I have no confidence. *hic* I just wanna go home now."

"DID USAGIYAMA/IZUKU LEARN TO BE DEPRESSED FROM THIS GUY!?" I could tell a lot of people were confused, but Mr. Aizawa seemed to be really angry for me to motion to Mirio to try and save the situation.

"Ok. So we're here to tell you about the Internships. Well to make things simple, it's a little hard to say since it's more a demonstration. How about everyone change and meet up in the gym. That'll help you understand."

"I'll allow it." Mr. Aizawa said this as he walked towards the door with all of us following soon after. Once we were changed and in the gym, Mirio suggested we all began ganging up on him with it not sitting right with almost everyone. Being the only one that could tell what his abilities are, I decided to stay back to gain some confusion from Mr. Aizawa.

"You're not participating?"

"I had umm...fought Mirio once before, so any form of combat I do with him would be kinda counter explanatory." Nejire continued to hug me happily for Mr. Aizawa to stare at me for a solid minute.

"Something tells me that's not the only thing. By the way, I knew you had some past relationship with Togata, but I didn't know you fought. Do you mind explaining what happened?"

"Well, it was hard to even land a finger on him. I uhh...I also saw some stuff I shouldn't." As I said this, I heard Kyoka shriek to see Mirio's clothes come off. "C'MON, MAN! COULDN'T YOU HAVE AT LEAST ASKED TO HAVE THAT SPECIAL UNDERWEAR MADE BY YOUR HAIR PUT ON!? I'M SURE NEZU OR MR. AIZAWA WOULD'VE ALLOWED IT!"

"My bad! Hahaha!" He tried to laugh it off with Kirishima going for an immediate punch to the face. This ended with him going right through to confuse everyone. "Going right for the head. Nice idea. I'm pretty sure Izuku did the same thing." Everyone who was long distance attacked Mirio as well for the attacks to go through him.

"Just what the heck is up with this guy!?"


"Heh. That's gonna be hard to do." Mr. Aizawa smirked hearing this As Mirio got behind everyone to take out the long distance fighters first. I could tell right off the bat those would be the problem group for him. With Kyoka down now, that also took out their best method of finding him.

"If this guy is intangable, then how the heck do we attack him!?" Sato asked for Mirio to go back under for them to panic where he'll show up. I glanced around the area and used my hearing from 'Rabbit' to detect where Mirio will pop up again.

'Right behind Kaachan. If anyone needs to be taken down first, it'll be him nd then he'll go a straight line to take down everyone else.' I felt someone rubbing my ears to see Nejire holding her head on the top of mine while rubbing her cheek on them.

"I always wanted to do this with your ears. They're so fluffy and smell like your conditioner." This became more awkward as I was beign pushed into her chest to turn red.

'Why do I feel satisfaction being smothered like this? Oh great, I'm turning into a pervert!' I was so focused on trying not to enjoy the moment to ignore Mirio's attack directly from where I predicted and him slide right next to us.

"POWEEEERRRRR!!!" He glanced up to see Nejire doing what she was doing to smile at me. "Looks like you have the best seat in the house."

"Please don't make this more uneasy for me than it is. I'm trying really hard to avoid thinking about it."

"Alright. Hado. Let go of Usagiyama so we can go over with everyone what they learned." Nejire let go of me for the girls to stare at her with a mix of envy and pain from the initial sock to the stomach. "Now would anyone like to explain what they found out from their fight?"

"I found out that this guy has too strong of a quirk. I mean, seriously. What type of quirk to you have to enhance strength?" Kirishima asked for Mirio to laugh.

"Sorry. I kinda went overboard there and that's not a quirk's strength there. That's base strength."

"Wait, then how could you also do what you did with teleporting?"

"Not teleportation. I merely dived into the ground like Izuku mentioned." Everyone was confused with this. "To make things simple, my quirk is called Permiation. You see, I can phase through everything like Izuku said. Unfortunately, this led to a lot of problems for me. I was stuck in dead last even when I was still trying to control my power."

"Wait, but you don't seem to have a problem right now. Also, if you and Izuku are friends, then why doesn't he use it so often."

"I can explain this." I raised my hand up to answer Mina. "Let's say I wanted to phase through a wall using Mirio's quirk. As to what he said, it's not as awe inspiring as you wanna believe. I would have to first turn everything but one of my legs intangible, then turn the power off on the leg that went through and turn the leg that wasn't ingangible to pull it through. I'm still trying to master that where Mirio has worked it so much that it's now second nature to use his quirk the way he does. As an example, I can't even touch him with ease. I actually have to think where he is."

"Dang, Usagiyama. I didn't know it was that hard." Kirishima was beyond surprised when I explained the method with Kaminari admitting he'd screw it up somewhere.

"That also explains the cracks in the ice when you used Togata's quirk during the provisional." Todoroki mentioned as my timing with the quirk was still off to the point I actually hit the ice on occasion before going through it.

"So how does that have to do with the internships?"

"To make things simple, I had to work hard to learn how to use this quirk in ways that I couldn't think of at the point. In the internships, you're treated no different than a hero. People get hurt with actions you chose to and not to take. Some can even die. It's your job to turn this experience into power."

I thought about what Mirio said with some thought and how I could do this in my own way. 'Turning experience into power. Is that what mom does?'

Later that afternoon

Walking out of the school, me and the girls began talking about what we could most likely do for the internships. "So does anyone have an idea what they'll do?"

"Well the internships aren't mandatory. As much as I'd like to, I think I'll stand out for this round." Momo said this with some deep consideration.

"Does your mom do internships?" Itsuka asked for me to cross my arms in an 'X'.

"Nope. She primarily works alone. Only rarely will she work with someone."

"Well I have Ryukyu seeing if Ochako and Tsu could work with us this weekend. I also heard that Tamaki had Kirishima going to meet Fatgum."

"Aunt Ryu and uncle Fat are two people that you can learn a lot from. I'm happy Kirishima's gonna possibly learn from him."

"What about you, Izuku?" Kinoko asked me to hold some unease.

"Gang Orca doesn't do first years for the internships. I was kinda bummed hearing that, but I guess I'll go back to the drawing board and go through my offers again."

"HEY! IZUKU!" I turned around to see Mirio coming over. "Real quick. Do you have an offer yet for the internship planned?"

"Uhh. No. My initial idea was a bust and I was going to look over my offers again to see if it's possible to do one with a pro I can learn a lot from."

"Then why not take one with Sir Nighteye! I can put in a good word with him."

'...Something tells me he still kinda hates me.' "Uhh...Just give me the time and place and I'll meet him."


And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku meeting Nighteye again. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

The Wolf and The RabbitTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang