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In two short months, Elara's precious crotch goblin would be born and suddenly she felt the urge to start handling the nursery situation.

Zarkon has noticed that the nursery's drawers and the closet have been full of gender neutral baby clothes. More clothes than necessary. He was sure that Elara had become one of those moms that is obsessed with buying baby clothes.

One evening he came in to check on her since he knew if he didn't she'd throw a fit and think he couldn't care less about her. Hormones are lovely.

He found her in the nursery, setting up more baby stuff, this time, it was blankets, lots and lots of blankets.

"You have an obsession." He said out of nowhere.

She jumped, startled by his presence. Normally she sends his presence but this time she was so concentrated on the nursery prep.

"Don't do that! You could've made me piss myself! Your kid is sitting on my bladder 99% of the time!" She snapped.

"As I said before... You have an obsession. I understand how serious you are about the baby being comfortable once they're born but this is ridiculous, Elara." He said sternly.

"Oh I'm sorry for thinking our little prince or princess deserves the best!" She huffed, placing folded blankets nearly in the closet.

"Woman... I am well aware that our child is royalty and for that reason they will get the best of everything. You need to stop this madness." He said gently because he wasn't about to yell at her and risk his life.

"I'm the mother. I get to spoil the baby because number one, you nearly broke me in the process of getting this kit in me, two, I threw up for several months, three, the kicks are very painful, four, my 'area' will be on fire in two months BECAUSE OF YOU!" she snapped at him.

"Do what you want my love. The nursery looks lovely, don't hurt herself." He said quickly and bolted out of the room.

"The audacity of him..." She scoffed.

"To be fair, you begged me to put that kit in there so-" he said for the doorway.

"GET OUT!" she yelled.

"IT'S THE TRUTH!" He yelled right back.

"If you keep talking right now I will show you what happens when you disobey me!" She threatened.

"Kitten... That's feisty! I love it when you threaten me like that!" He purred.

She used her powers and slammed the doors shut right in his face only to hear a yell of pure pain.

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