Chapter 7: The Ball

Start from the beginning

"Umm, My..My lady? I-THis servant begs for your forgiveness!!" Emily exclaimed as she knelt in front of Penelope.

Penelope's eyes widened in shock. W-what?

"My lady, I KNow I have mistreated you in the past. But please forgive me! My lady I was dumb and I regret it. I-This servant has hurted you a lot but P-pLease give this servant a chance to serve you again. I would like to repent my previous mistakes. My LAdy PLease THis servant BEgs!!" she exclaimed, her head still lowered. 

"Why?" Penelope's voice almost cracked.

"MY lady, I am sorry, I beg! Please I am not telling you to forgive me, as what I have done is unforgivable but Please, I would like to serve you again, I would like to repent. My Lady didn't deserve our treatment. You didn't deserve it, you never did. And this servant knows that one apology will not heal the pain I-we gave you over the years. But I hope-I hope that one day in the coming years, My lady will be able to forgive this lowly servant. And I would like to work hard to earn that forgiveness!" Emily said, her head was bowing, but you could hear her weeping silently.

The apology was sincere.

Penelope could feel it. Penelope's eyes were covered in mist. No, no she can't cry not now!

But it was late, too late. Emily and Penelope both knew that. But, 'will it hurt? Will it hurt to just trust this person in front of me this once?' Penelope thought.

Emily was late and she hurted Penelope. Emily was a part of trauma.


"Sweetie, in future if someone ever becomes a part of your bad memories. And they ask for your forgiveness? Would you forgive them?" asked a pretty lady with dark magenta hair.

"hmm...No I wouldn't!" the little girl exclaimed as she ate her dango.

"Hmm..what if it was sincere. Would you give them a chance?" The lady asked as she fluttered open her gorgeous blue eyes.

"I don't know mama, would you?" the little angel replied after some thinking.

"Well, I would give them a little test. You never know they might help you get over your bad memories. And if it works out well between you two. You might be able to become each other's support." THe lady answered in her sweet voice.

"But why? Didn't they hurt me? Why should I give them a chance?" the little girl frowned as she questioned.

"Good question, darling. You have to learn to forgive. Because if you don't, the burden of the pain and sadness in your heart will always be there. The bad memories will always come back to you. To forget those memories you have to learn to let go of them. THen only, you will be able to live in peace." The lady answered as she scooped the little girl in her arms.

"I don't understand mama." the little girl said as she hid her face in her mother's shoulder.

"You will one day. Sweetie. You will one day." the Lady replied.

"Does mama have bad memories?" asked the little bun. Her mother hummed in response.

End of Flashback

"Then would you do anything?" asked Penelope. Emily nodded her head with confidence.

"Alright. Will you follow me even if I leave?" questioned Penelope.This question made Emily look up at Penelope. For Emily, Just one glance was enough for her to make up her mind.

"Why my lady? Why would you leave the mansion? " she exclaimed, her eyes filled with quite a few emotions. 

Emotions like shock (for the question penny asked), regret, happiness that Penelope gave her a chance, and determination to follow Penelope as order no matter what they are (unless it's living the mansion) 

"Just a question." answered Penelope. 

Naive, the girl in front of Penelope was naive and dumb. And she didn't pass. She didn't pass Penelope's little test. She wasn't even close to understanding Penelope's feelings. 

"Wipe your face and get up. We are almost there." said Penelope as she looked outside. Penelope didn't miss the look on Emily's face when she asked her the question.

(Pic forms a cannon) (imagine Emily wiping her tears) 

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(Pic forms a cannon) (imagine Emily wiping her tears) 

Penelope cannot trust Emily. Not fully. Heck not even a bit. She won't even try.

For now, she will just use her to fulfill her plan. 

To be continued~

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I had covid. SO i was in bed for 3 days but now i am all good.

 Thanks for reading and waiting. I will update more in 2-3 days. 

I was playing among us and I thought of a little something~ 

So here's the little side story(?)

In Among us:

Penelope: *Kills derrick* 

Yvonne: *Unfortunately saw everything but she loves her sister more and her family deserves a bit of suffering........*

In the Emeregency meeting room: 

Reynold: WHO the FU*king hell killed derrick?

Duke: How did Derrick let himself die?

Yvonne: I saw it. It was Brother Reynold! *Cutie pie has voted*

Duke: hmm..Huh? Reynold! Why are you killing your own brother? *Doesn't deverse the title'father' has voted* 

Penelope: .... *Your Amazing Queen has voted*

Reynold: Wait-let me explain...................................You-you Argh! *Most handsome on the planet has voted* 

Pennel: Little master, how could you? *shake his head in sadness* *The  regretful butler has voted*

Emily: Well I have no choice. I am sorry young master. *Lowly servant has voted* 

Eckles: .... 'I knew he was a jerk' *Knight has voted*

*Most handsome on the planet was not the Imposter. 2 remaining. 

In the room they were playing. (Derrick left in anger and because of  his 'pride' was hurt/damaged)

Reynold: Yvonne....?

Yvonne: *fake cries* Huhu sorry brother, I thought it was you. I am sorry. 

Duke: DONT MAKE HER CRY! Now, she made a mistake. Everyone makes one. Let it go. Let's play another one.

Penelope: *smirks inwardly at yvonne, to which Yvonne smiles brightly.*

Well That's it.....See ya later.

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