Polu's voice falters as he watches Aang ignore him and continue running in the direction the earthbender went. "Fine, ignore the person the Spirits literally gifted you for advice. See how that works out for you."

Sokka glances at him and gestures to their siblings' backs. "Believe me, I hate it too. If nothing else, we should go to protect them."

Polu groans as he falls in step beside the younger teen. "Yeah, I know."


The group finally reaches the Earth Kingdom village. Polu and Sokka share an exhausted expression at Aang's antics as Katara glances around for the teen from before.


The boys turn around when the girl calls out.

Spirits, we cannot keep getting side-tracked. Polu groans as Katara enters the small shop.

"Uh, you must have confused me with somebody else," the teen laughs nervously.

"No, she doesn't. We saw you earthbending," Aang refutes.

The mother and son both gasp in fear. The elderly woman slams the windows and door shut. "They saw you doing what?"

"They're crazy, Mom! I mean, look at how they're dressed." The teen gestures to the group of children in front of him.

Polu sighs as he bows to the woman. "I'm sorry, ma'am. We've been struggling to find food to eat, and I think it's gone to my friends' heads. We'll be out of your hair."

Aang frowns at his friend. "No, we aren't going crazy. We saw him earthbending! These are your people we're talking about!"

The teen narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything more.

"You know how dangerous it is to earthbend. You know what would happen if they caught you."

What would happen? If who caught him? What's going on here?

"Open up!"

Sokka peeks through the blinds on the window. "Fire Nation. Act natural."

Fire Nation? They're really here? They've invaded the Earth Kingdom?!

Sokka and Haru move to examine an apple. Katara grabs a basket of fruit that she and Polu share, and Aang leans on a barrel.

The shop owner opens the door as the lid collapses and Aang is splashed with water.

Why are they here?

"What do you want? I've already paid you this week."

The soldier smirks at the woman. "The tax just doubled. We wouldn't want an accident, would we?"

A ball of fire ignites between his hands. "Fire is sometimes so hard to control."

Polu sneakily prepares water from the barrel in case of an attack. If I have to reveal myself to protect these people, so be it.

The woman notices and gives the slightest shake of her head at the teen. Polu's heart sinks at the lack of hope in her eyes as she opens a tiny chest.

Inside are a few copper, silver, and gold pieces. There aren't even six in total.

The man scowls as he picks through the meager coins. "You can keep the copper ones."

Polu clenches his fists as the soldier drops the currency onto the floor.

"Nice guy," Sokka comments when the door is closed. "How long has the Fire Nation been here?"

"Five years," the woman responds. "Fire Lord Ozai uses our town's coal mines to fuel his ships."

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