Special Moments

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"Guys I did it," I shouted. Viktor and Jayce looked at me with a little bit of confusion. The two boys were working on their laser arm and gauntlets when I shouted out. "I stabilized the crystal. We can start testing it and seeing how it will work with your devices," I was so relieved I finally got it done. Viktor and Jayce helped out when they could but they were both busy with their own projects so it was mostly my responsibility to figure out how to stabilize the crystal's.

"This is perfect timing. I was just about to start building my first prototype for the arm," Viktor smiled at me.

"This calls for a celebration! I'll get the drinks," Jayce had been looking for an excuse to take a break and this was a pretty good one. Jayce pulled out a bottle of alcohol from his drawer and started pouring small amounts in the cups he had saved for an occasion like this. Jayce was always prepared for situations like this.

"Jayce as much as I appreciate the excitement we still have a lot of work to do tonight," I reasoned.

"One drink can't hurt plus you deserve to unwind a little," Jayce smiled at me. "You too Viktor." Reluctantly Viktor and I decided to indulge Jayce and have one drink. That one drink turned into two, then three and soon enough we were all pretty wasted. We were sitting on the floor at this point talking about random ideas for hextech.

"Thank you guys for being so cool and letting me help you guys," I was a softie when I was drunk and it was starting to show. " You guys are so nice and pretty," I slurred while throwing my arms on either side of the two men.

Jayce chuckled while Vikor stayed silent, pink dusting his face. "Thank you both for helping me achieve my dreams you guys, I couldn't ask for better partners," Jayce said. It was Jayce's time to be soft and sentimental as he hugged Viktor who seemed awkward at the contact then me. Jayce gives good hugs and I never really had much hugging experience so it was nice I felt like I was melting in his arms.  "Heimerdinger is going to be so proud of us," Jayce announced as he slowly let go of me.

The alcohol was getting to me and drowsiness washed over me. "I'm sleepy," I yawned as I laid my body across the two boys. I knew if I was sober I would have never even thought about falling asleep on two incredibly attractive men, but I wasn't sober. I fell asleep almost as soon as I laid down.

I woke up confused and on the floor. I noticed I had a blanket on me, I assumed one of the boys put it on me after I fell asleep. As I took in my surroundings I saw Jayce on the floor a few feet away from me and Viktor at his desk. Viktor had fallen asleep doing work, he looked so peaceful even though his sleeping position was obviously going to make his body ache when he woke up.

While the boys slept I decided to start back on work. A few minutes had passed and Jayce started to wake up. "Ugh this floor is not comfortable", Jayce mumbled while he slowly got up.

"Tell me about it", I responded to Jayce. "At least we aren't in Viktors position", I motioned over to where he was hunched over and breathing rhythmically.

"He's going to be sore when he wakes up", Jayce chuckled.

"Yeah but he needs the sleep he's always here working it can't be good for his health", concern laced my voice. "I'll grab some sweet milk for us all, you clean up this mess", I told Jayce gesturing to the blankets and papers scattered around the room.


By the time I returned the room was at least semi presentable. Viktor had woken up and he looked uncomfortable, probably just in pain from that awful sleeping position. I handed out the sweet milk and started work again.

Jayce had to step out to go deal with more counsel stuff so it was just Viktor and I again. Viktor was clearly uncomfortable from his awful sleeping position; he couldn't sit still and it was distracting.

"Just go lay down if you are in so much pain", I mumbled just loud enough so he could hear.

"No, I'm ok,'' he retorted.

"Clearly you aren't, just lay down. Your work will still be here when you get up."

"Fine only for a few minutes."

It was surprising he didn't put up more of a fight.

"Thank you", Viktor said and he laid down.

"What for?"

"For the sweet milk and for all your help."

Heat came to my face "oh um of course." It was so weird when he said that it felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. I glanced back up to him and he was already asleep. His eyelashes were so long and he has such sharp features. Viktor is beautiful.
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an: sorry for going mia teehee i've had such bad writers block and i started this when i was depressed and only in my room now im taking my antidepressants regularly and leaving the house so i've been busy sorry again!!!

word count: 857

ConnectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora