adjustment period

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The week had started with the council deciding how they should proceed with Hextech. The meeting was stressful but eventually with the help of Mel Merdarda Hextech was given the green light. Jayce was clearly the face of this project, while Viktor and Y/n preferred to stay behind the scenes working quietly. Y/n and Viktor were adjusting to their new work life balance. Viktor was engulfed with Hextech and honestly didn't do much outside of work, he barely had a social life to begin with so when his work completely took over his life it was really no big deal for him. Y/n was juggling work and school, like Viktor she was completely enthralled with Hextech and anytime she wasn't in class she was at the lab.

Y/n pov

The two cups of sweet milk in my hands and the stack of notes I was carrying had put me in quite the predicament with the large lab door. I had finally managed to open the door, I stumbled through and threw my stuff on my unorganized desk. I made my way to Viktor, he looked awful, he was working too much but I can't say anything because he would tell me i've been doing the same thing. I placed a cup of sweet milk next to him and glanced at what he was working on. I saw a very rough draft of a laser arm thing.

"What is that?" I asked leaning down next to him to get a better look.

"Oh! just something I'm working on don't worry about it." Viktor replied covering up the blueprints, he was obviously a little embarrassed at how messy the drawing and notes looked.

"Well I got you some sweet milk, drink it before it gets cold I know you haven't had anything to eat or drink all day." I told him as I made my way to my desk.

"Thank you," Viktor mumbled as he took the cup to his lips. His lips looked soft as they pushed against the cup. I didn't realize I was staring till he started speaking. "What will you be working on today?"

"I'm still trying to find a way to really stabilize the crystals so we don't have to worry about accidents as much." They crystals we were using were very powerful but also incredibly dangerous and I definitely did not want to deal with another explosion. Viktor nodded and then continued working on his Lazer thing.

It had been a few hours and I wasn't making a lot of progress with my work. I groaned at another messed up calculation and sighed as I laid my head on my desk out of frustration. Jayce came in at the perfect time, he was a wonderful distraction.

"Jayce! Wonderful help me! I'm stuck and I need a break," I shouted as I ran up to him. Jayce and I had gotten closer, I was pretty indifferent to his existence until we started working together. Jayce is a hard worker, he just has his himbo moments and it was fun messing around with him.

"Well I'm only here to pick up a few things, however I do have some blueprints for some gauntlets you could look over," Jayce gave his classic golden boy smile and handed me the blueprint.

"You're lucky I find this interesting," I mumbled while snatching the blueprints.

"I know," Jayces smile grew bigger. "I have to go now. I have an appointment to discuss the future of Hextech," Jayce didn't sound excited, he was definitely the most fit to be the face of Hextech out of the three of us but that didn't mean he enjoyed sucking up to rich people all the time.

Jayce grabbed a few things, waved bye to us and left. I decided to look over the blueprints Jayce gave me and made a few small notes before I went back to my original work. After another few hours of working silently Viktor spoke up.

"Y/n, you should go to sleep, it's late," Viktor told me.

"Oh shush it's only 1am," I sassesd. "Plus you have no room to talk. I know you practically live here and you never sleep."

"Eh fair point but you have school tomorrow," He responded.

"I will only go to sleep if you do as well. We both know you need sleep," I was compromising.

"Fine," Viktor gave a short reply. It was obvious he wanted to continue his work but he knew he needed sleep and he would most likely work better when he was rested.

"I'll walk you back to your apartment," I offered.

"Shouldn't I be walking you back home," Viktor asked.

"Maybe but we both know I can handle myself in a fight," I replied.

"hmm fair point let's go."

The walk with Viktor was nice. It was nice spending so much time with Viktor, he was one of the smartest people i've ever met and it was incredible to see the way he worked. I had also started to notice how little he took care of himself, it worried me but I didn't want to overstep and tell him how to take care of himself. I just wanted to tell him to drink more water and to eat more and that he needs more than 2 hours of sleep.

"Thank you for walking me back," Viktor said.

"Oh, I hadn't realized we already arrived," I mumbled mostly to myself. "Sleep well!" I chirped.

"You as well. Be safe on your walk back," Viktor told me.

"Will do. Good night Viktor."


The next morning came way too quickly luckily I only had one class and it was with Grace.

"Hi!" Grace yelled in my ear. She always seems so chipper even in the mornings.

"Hello Grace," I replied.

"Can we please study together for an hour after class. I never see you anymore," Grace was pouting.

"Of course but only for an hour, I really need to work on Hextech stuff," I told her.

Class finished so Grace dragged me to a table in the library. We were studying for about 20 minutes before she started talking.

"Sooo, how are you and Viktor or even you and Jayce. I've noticed you've gotten closer with both of them," Grace smiled but a mischievous kind of smile.

"They are my partners of course we are close. You should get those dirty thoughts out of your mind. I see them written all over your face," I responded.

"I just don't know who I ship more with you. The himbo or the nerd," Grace laughed.

"Okay! Well looks like I have to go the lab is calling me," I stated.

"Awww don't sound so annoyed. I know you love me," Grace shouted at me while I walked out of the library
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Word count:1141

Hi i'm not dead :) but don't expect fast updates sorry T-T

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