Chapter 16- Hundreds of Ribbons

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Our week off wasn't really a week off. We spent every day at the Justice Arena. We traded off between learning new spells and dueling. The new spells came from Sirena and Evrain at first, but soon we started making our way through our spellbooks. We switched off who was in the circle. Those on the outside would provide feedback for the people inside the circle. This became very important for the duels.

After the second day, I brought a notebook with me to take notes. I took notes on everything. The feedback I received from my friends. The feedback that was given to the others. Common mistakes. Common tactics. The different strategies each of us used. What was effective against what. The different ways a spell could be used. Our strengths. Our weaknesses. It was no longer about training me. It was about training everybody.

When Saturday rolled around, I eagerly headed to Mr. Ahimoth's classroom. I didn't have much going for me, but I was receiving private lessons from a professor. For this lesson, I had a laundry list of things I wanted to discuss.

"Good morning, Mr. Ahimoth," I greeted enthusiastically as I entered his classroom.

"Good morning, Seraphina. Hope your break has been restful," Mr. Ahimoth returned.

I shrugged. "Well restful isn't exactly the right word." When Mr. Ahimoth gave me a confused look, I proceeded to explain everything that had happened the past week. "So I have a few things that I've noticed that I want to talk to you about."

Mr. Ahimoth looked impressed. "Nothing teaches like experience." He gestured for me to start talking.

I pulled out my notebook and flipped to my list. Mr. Ahimoth's face formed the most amused smile I've ever seen on the man. I began to read what I wrote.

"Okay, so, I've noticed that having the opposite problem as my peers can be a huge advantage as long as I can keep it controlled. This control problem is going to remain a big obstacle especially as I go against people at a higher skill level than me.

"Speed and strength are the two core skills. People tend to be naturally better at one or the other. I am able to control speed much better than strength, but I think I'm actually better at strength. It's just harder for me to control the strength of a spell thus hindering me.

"The essence is not constant. It ebbs and flows much like the wind. Along with this, the different schools of magic behave independently of one another. Though Life and Death tend to stay entwined with one another."

"Wait," Mr Ahimoth interrupted, "repeat that last one."

With my eyebrow raised, I repeated, "The essence is not constant. It ebbs and flows much like the wind."

"That's pretty normal. No, repeat the next part." Mr. Ahimoth was stroking his chin.

I continued slowly, "Along with this, the different schools of magic behave independently of one another. Though Life and Death tend to stay entwined with one another."

"That." Mr. Ahimoth pointed at me. "That I haven't heard before." I cocked my head to the side. This wasn't something I brought up to my friends because it was just something I had observed the past couple weeks. I included it in the list mainly for completeness.

"How would you describe sensing the essence?" Mr. Ahimoth asked.

"Well. It feels similar to the wind. But, unlike the wind, it's more like hundreds of separated ribbons instead of being one single mass. I can follow these ribbons as they move around. When I want to produce a spell, I grab one of those ribbons and lead it to my wand." This was my first time really thinking about it since I had first sensed and manipulated the essence.

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