Chapter 4- Six For Six

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As I got ready the next morning, I was extremely fidgety. It was all I could do to try and release some of the nerves I had. Don't get me wrong. I was very excited about what I would be learning. There was just a lot riding on me doing well in my classes. I couldn't let my family down. Not after this opportunity had been gifted to me.

Hayden was also bouncy as we ate breakfast. Though she was just excited. She told my stories that her parents told her about their time at The Myre. It was where they met. I listened, but had nothing to contribute. This was becoming a common theme whenever The Myre was the topic of conversation.

Barely able to sit still, Hayden practically dragged me over to the Fire building. We arrived at our classroom quite early. Mrs. Ashbel was still setting up for the lesson. Each desk had a black, rubbery sheet covering them. It must have been to protect the desks. She was currently placing a small sheet of paper on each desk. Sitting down in the desks we claimed yesterday, Hayden finally started asking me questions to include me in the conversation.

"What school are you most excited to learn?" she asked.

"Fire. Kinda predictable, but I'm also really excited to learn Earth. And Water. And... okay, I'm excited about all of them," I answered.

Hayden laughed. "I'm actually the most excited about Water. It's so versatile."

"Guess it's a good thing you are a Water minor," I commented.

Hayden nodded. We started speculation on how each class would introduce each school. Basically what was going to be the first thing we would learn for each school. Our conversation about Storm class was interrupted by the bell.

Mrs. Ashbel started right away. "Good morning class. Today marks the beginning of your magic training. The class will start off slow, but a good foundation is necessary for whatever you are trying to learn. Magic is absolutely no exception." With her introduction, my nerves started to fade away and got replaced with excitement.

"The essence of magic surrounds us. When you focus on it, you can sense it moving around and through you. Casting spells is taking this essence, channeling it through your wand, and bending it to your will. Because the essence weaves it way through everything, this gives way to the six schools of magic and the hundreds of uses magic can have." As soon as she said it, I tried to feel the essence. I wasn't having any luck for a couple minutes, then it felt a surge of energy. It was only for a second, but I felt something like a light breeze swirl around my head. The feeling disappeared as soon as I felt it.

Mrs. Ashbel continued, "Magic is mostly a mental game. Spells are created when you think of a certain spell, and you channel the appropriate essence into your wand. The more familiar you become with the essence, the better the spellcaster you become.

"Different schools of magic are more concentrated in different areas of Candera. This is what defines the Provinces. Because you are from the Fire Province, where Fire essence is the most abundant, you are most sensitive to the essence pertaining to Fire. Thus, why you are all Fire Majors. Minors can be caused by a variety of things. Your parents' majors and living close to the Province border are the most common reasons. Your first five years here will have you study all of the schools, while your final three will focus solely on your majors and minors." Mrs. Ashbel then changed her focus to Fire magic specifically.

"All Fire magic stems from one concept. Being able to light a flame," Mrs. Ashbel stated. She picked up her wand from her desk and pointed it at a piece of paper. The corner of the paper caught fire instantly. "Your first lesson will focus on lighting an object on fire. The task for today is to light the piece of paper in front of you on fire."

Mrs. Ashbel let us loose. I gripped my wand in my lap, and closed my eyes. Blocking out everything else, I focused on the feeling I experienced earlier. The surge of energy and the swirling wind. Once again, it appeared for a brief second before disappearing. Taking a deep breath, I tried again. After several more attempts, I was able to grab onto the essence and keep it in my grasp. My hold flickered for several more minutes before it became constant.

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