Season 2: Chapter 10

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"Thanks for having us over again." Draken thanked you as him and Mikey joined you and the others. "Anytime. It's nice to have company now and then." You said to him as he patted you on the head as he passed you, leaving you to stand face to face with Mikey. "Hi." Was all you could muster up as you stared at him. "Hi." He responded with a soft smile beginning to spread across his face. It was such a pretty smile too. The two of you stood there staring at each other for a few minutes, almost lost in the moment. "Come on Y/N." Kenji said as he came charging at you. He bent down and scooped you up over his shoulder with a quickness that was almost unreal. Sometimes you forgot at just how strong he was. You kicked a few times as you tried to free yourself from his grasp but with no luck. He carried you out toward the water, almost waist deep before throwing you backwards into the water. You made a loud crash as your back impacted with the water below you. You could hear him laughing above you as you gained your footing and stood up out of the water. "You are such a jerk Kenji." You laughed as you wiped the salt water from your eyes. "Stop being such a baby." He laughed as he shoved your shoulder.

Mikey stood there watching as the both of them began play fighting in the water. Seeing her laughing and smiling was a good change. As the others ventured out to the water Mikey remained on the shore, still studying her every move. He missed seeing her like this, happy. For years he could only remember the pain on her face the night at the bar. The pain in her eyes from what he had done. He could feel the guilt creep back up on him as it settled at the pit of his stomach.

"I'm watching you." Kaede said as he stood next to Mikey. Mikey broke his gaze from y/n  to stare up at Kaede, his long hair tied into a loose low bun. "Excuse me?"Mikey asked with a raised brow. "You heard me, I'm watching you. I've seen the way you look at her every time you're around. I'm going to go ahead and let you know now that I don't like you." Kaede said, never turning to make eye contact with him, just staring off at the others in the water. "I've kind of already gathered that but for the record I don't care if you like me." Mikey responded as he too returned his attention to the water. "I know you don't. I would of already gotten rid of you if it wasn't for her." Kaede began as he nodded his head toward your direction. "Regardless on what she says, she still cares about you. That's your saving grace" He finished.

Mikey yanked his head toward Kaede at the remark. He looked at him with a confused look on his face. "Are you really that dense? She cares about you. She's never stopped. But with that being said I don't want you hurting her. She's been through alot the past few years and Myself and Kenji swore to protect her not only physically but emotionally. We already almost lost her twice." Kaede began to trail off, a lost look crossing his face. "What do you mean lost her?" Mikey asked, shock filling his face as he turned his body toward Kaede. Hesighed, he had let his emotions get the best of him and had slipped. "You don't need to worry about it." He huffed, side eyeing Mikey. "You just expect me to not want to know after you drop a bomb on me like that." Mikey said, trying to let his anger not get them best of him. "It's not important for you to know." Kaede said, trying to steer away from the top. "She's still important to me, so yeah it is important." Mikey said, staring holes into Kaede. Kaede finally turned to look at him. He could tell that he wasn't going to back down from this conversation. Kaede sighed.

"I'm going to tell you about some stuff and you have got to promise that it stays between us." He began, almost a reluctant tone filling his words. "Sure." Mikey replied. "This conversation does not put us on good terms at all just so you know. " Kaede sighed as he ran a hand over his long dark hair. "You already know the story about her moving back here and buying the club and becoming the leader of the White Wolves" Kaede began, staring off at the ocean, watching Y/N goofing off with the others. Mikey just nodded his head, waiting for the rest of the story. "Well, after that happened she actually started dating. It was this asshole she met at one of her meetings trying to strike a deal with another gang. I don't know exactly what she saw in that punk but whatever. She's a sweet girl so this lowlife was a shocker. I knew what it was deep down, she was hurting and he was the outlet at the time. Well she finally had enough of his attitude and how disrespectful he was to everyone they were around and she called it quits with him. She came to the club that night, didnt say a word about it and went about her duties while Kenji and I did ours around the club. A few hours he showed up. We didn't question it because like I said she didnt tell us anything had happened. He came straight in, went to the back where her office was like he normally did. After about 20 minutes he was back up front leaving in an almost full sprint. Something didnt seem right.The eagerness he had to get out of there was a little weird, so as soon as he left we headed back to her office. There she was in the floor beat so bad we didn't know if she was even alive. We called the ambulance and had her rushed to the hospital. She had broken ribs, a broken arm, bruising all on her face and body, a broken nose which actually left a small little scar on the bridge of it. She stayed in the hospital for a few days before they released her to come home. She was so shaken up she stayed looking over her shoulder. Of course Kenji and I took it upon oursleves to take care of him but that didnt change how scared she was. after a few months she got better and was up and going like her old self. Then one day she brought Hanma home. That snake is a pain in my ass but I can't do anything. Luckily she is starting to get tired of him as well from what I can tell. After everything she started drinking real heavily. She was always going out to clubs and parties almost every night with Hanma. I think he was inteentionally getting her drunk at some points. We would always have to literally carry her home damn near every night. She was numbing herself. All those emotions got to be too much and that's how she coped with it. One night she was out at the pool drinking, alone and she passed out and fell in. Once again we weren't around. Luckily Ms. Kimura was in the kitchen and heard the splash and started yelling for us. We got her out and had to do cpr on her. She hasn't drank liquour since. She sill enjoys wine but she keeps it to a one glass minimum. She also will not get in that pool. She will sit out beside it but never get in it. Brings up bad memories she says."

Kaedstopped for a minute to catch his breath and resettle his focus. "I know this is alot but I just want you to know that she's been through alot. Shes come a long way to get back to almost normality and I don't want you hurting her again and setting her back. She doesn't deserve it. Kenji and I cant stop either one of yall from anything, we know that, but if one thing happens to her they wont find you." He said as he made intense eye contact with Mikey. "I know that this all started with me. I messed with her mind and heart and started this. I would give anything to go back and change it. Change how I treated her, change how things ended up for her. I know I can't do that but I won't add anymore to her. I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt her again." Mikey's voice was soft as he spoke the pain and guilt filling each word. Kaede could see the pain he had for the situation. "I don't lake him but maybe he isn't as bad as we have made him out to be." Kaede thought. "Pleases don't" Was all he could manage.

Look, I know I am well overdue for an update. I had this chapter typed up once but ended up hating it and just trashing it. But here we finally go. It's taken me a little longer to get things typed up right. I know where I want this story to go and to end but the filler is getting difficult. I have the main chapters already planned out but these filler chapters are hard to come up with. So please forgive me and my delay. Hopefully things will be better next week. Once again thank you so much!

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