Season 2: Chapter 7

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"So, do you want the short version or the long version." You asked as you took a sip of wine. "Full." The boy's all answered in unison. You sighed as you shifted back in your seat, getting comfortable before starting your long story. "Well I guess we will start when I was back in America. I went back and finished out my college there also while helping my mom run her business." You began. "What kind of business did your mom have?" Chifuyu asked. "Restaurant, Japanese style of course. It was the only one locally so it was very successful. I didn't want to leave and go to America but I'm glad I did."

"After about 3 years my mom started to get sick and she finally came out and told me she had been diagnosed with cancer the previous year but didn't want to say anything to stress me out while I finished up school. By the following year she was so sick she was unable to work and stayed in bed most of the time, leaving me to run stuff in her absence. Shortly after, she passed away." you stopped for a moment. Even though it had been almost 6 years ago it still stung a bit. Kaede placed a hand on your knee, his way of checking on you. You placed your hand on top of his and gave it a pat, signalling you were okay to continue.

"When she passed she left her business to me as well as a nice savings. I couldn't be there without her though so I moved back here. I assigned someone to run the restaurant in my absence, but I still own it and collect money from it. I bought me a small apartment back here and decided that I would invest the money that she had left me into my own business here. I caught wind that this place was going to shut down due to the original owner passing away and the family didn't want to have their hands in a strip club. I offered them a good amount of money to take it off their hands and they agreed. So that's how I acquired this place. I kept all the staff, did some remodeling, brought in a few new people and it's been a hit ever since. The success sky rocketed after I got a hold of it."

"I had all kinds of underground people here including The White Wolves former Owner Takumi. I spent a lot of my time here talking to guests and making sure the girls were taken care of so as you can guess I became well known as much as my girls. Takumi became very fond of me and was here every day just to see me. We would talk about everything, including his weekly marriage proposal. He confided in me what he did for a living and his position in the White Wolves and that they had to take a step back because they were catching to much heat. I suggested that he needed a system to minimize exposure and track everything, just throwing the idea out there. He told me if I could come up with something he would make sure I was taken care of , so I did. I worked on it for about two weeks until I had what I thought would be the perfect way to stay successful in this type of business while flying under the radar as much as possible. I sat down with him and we started working on setting up things with it until It was perfect. We ran with it for about a month and it worked. He was able to pick business back up without setting off red flags to the cops."

"Everything went well for about a year and then Takumi fell ill. He was up in years so it was expected. He had no one to leave the business to and had never married nor had any children so he played the marriage proposal card again. He told me he would leave the business to me to run due to the fact that I was the only one capable of running the system and besides the fact that the men trusted me and i knew all the ends and outs from watching him for a year. I agreed and we got married. When he passed he left me everything. The house, all his money you name it. The men did have an option to vote on me not taking over but they trusted me and knew I would keep them afloat, so I became the leader of the White Wolves."

You sat there for a second taking in everyone's expression, waiting for the first person to ask questions. Baji was the first to ask. "So you married an old man?" He asked with a disgusted look on his face. "For business only." You answered, you already knew where that question was going. "You ended up leader by luck." Mitsuya said, taking a sip of his drink. "Yep, absolute luck. Just happened to be in the right place at the right time." You said. "You had the option to not take this on and you still decided to?" Mikey asked. "Yes." You answered. "But why? Why did you get yourself wrapped up in this?" Mikey asked, his voice mixed with concern and anger. Everyone turning to stare at him then you. "I'm not really sure to be honest. I guess I didn't want the guys to suffer. I could of handed it over to someone easily but then there was a big chance that stuff would go wrong and then they would end up back on the cops radar or worse. I couldn't do that to them. I have made relationships with all of them and they trust me. I couldn't sacrifice them like that." you explained. It wasn't where you saw yourself a few years ago but here you were, and you were thriving. You couldn't deny that it gave you an adrenaline rush as well, but the family you had created meant more.

"Well I hate to do this to you boys but I really need to go. I got a few things that I want to take care of before it gets to late. Feel free to stay here and enjoy drinks and whatever on the house." You said as you lifted yourself from the chair, Kaede and Kenji right behind you. You began to say your goodbyes and the boys gave their thanks before you began to walk off. As you got a few steps away from the table you stopped. "Mr. Sano." you said as you turned your head toward him. He lifted his head up from his drink to look at you. "If you would like to go over the system i will be available tomorrow afternoon." You said. He stared at you for a few minutes in silence, his eyes piercing through you. "I'll be there.' he finally said, breaking his silence. You gave him a nod. "I will send a driver to get you." you said before turning back around to continue out. The idea of Mikey being at your place alone was a little nerve racking but you couldn't let it get the best of you. Everything would be fine, wouldn't it?


I apologize for the short chapter but my time was limited. Maybe making the schedule Friday's and Mondays is a little less doable than I anticipated. So, from now on it will be just Fridays. Plus I would like some time to maybe start on a Hawks or Stranger Things Fic. As always, thanks for the love! See you next time!

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