Chapter Eight: Seokjin

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I nervously waited for Sofia to show up to our first study session. I paced the study room, making sure that everything looked presentable. The room was not very big, but certainly spacious compared to the majority of other study rooms, which were mere cubicles crammed with a small table and four chairs. Study rooms were not allowed to have window coverings, but the large window in this room had vertical blinds. My parents' generous donations to the university allowed my friends and I to have our personal study room with privacy. I thought about closing the blinds, but reconsidered because it might send the wrong message to Sofia. She might think that I had other things on my mind besides studying.

When she walked in, she immediately commented on the room. I said nothing because I was nervous about being with her. I couldn't remember the last time I was so tongue-tied when speaking with a girl, but all I could focus on was the smoothness of her skin, the fluttering of her eyelashes, the silkiness of her voice...

"Is something funny?" I heard her ask.

...the sharpness of her perception.

I immediately stopped smiling and opened up my books. "No. Sit." I answered her questions in terse monosyllables like a fool. I was sure she'd think I was an idiot, but all she did was nod and look down at our notes. She said I had done an outstanding job and pushed her notebook toward me asking for help on some calculation, but I had trouble focusing on the page because I was distracted by her presence. After a few minutes, my concentration returned, and we settled into our studying.

"It's getting late," she said after a while.

I looked up in confusion and checked my watch. "It's only been an hour."

"I have to go to work. Some of us have ordinary jobs, you know. Tell me, that Oris watch cost about two thousand dollars, right?" Her gaze was piercing.

I heard reproach in her voice and wondered why she was upset. I glanced at my watch. "Uh, maybe. Why? What does that have to do with anything?"

"And I'll bet that's just your everyday watch." She was frowning. "Who exactly are you? What do you do? Do you care about this class at all, or do your other interests take up your time?"

"Wait. Other interests?" I wasn't sure what she was getting at.

She exhaled with impatience. "Look. It's none of my business what you do for money, but if we're going to be lab partners, I need to know that you will be reliable. This means a lot to me. I've worked very hard to get here, and my scholarship depends on my grades, so if you—"

"If I what?" I interrupted. "What are you talking about?"

"I work at Sarto's. That's how I noticed you're partial to Lacoste and Burberry and expensive watches."

I looked down at my polo shirt, the trademark Burberry check design on the button placket clearly visible. "Oh. Okay. Don't lots of people wear Burberry?"

"No." She sighed impatiently. "And I know those—what? —Tom Ford selvage jeans cost more than I make in a month."

"Tom Ford what?"

"I want to know what game you're playing."

"Game?" I asked. I was completely lost. "What game?"

She exhaled impatiently. "Your apparel indicates that you spend an insane amount of money. So either you are rich or you're not above-board. Either way, it calls your commitment to this class into question. So, I'd like to know the truth."

"You think I'm some kind of criminal?"

She stared at me.

I leaned back on the chair. "The truth. Okay. I'm not a criminal. The truth is my last name is Kim. My name is Kim Seokjin."

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