Chapter Nine: Taehyung

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I walked toward the table where Jimin and JK were sitting, the same table where they sat on the first day of classes. They were waiting to see the gorgeous girl walk by again. I smiled to myself. The guys were each holding a cup of coffee and wearing very dark sunglasses. All that was missing were the trench coats.

"We're not undercover spies, and this is not a stakeout," I said by way of greeting. "You look ridiculous."

"We didn't want to be obvious," JK replied.

I shook my head. "Oh, of course. You're not obvious at all." I sat on the bench facing the sidewalk. "So, who's going to ask for her name?"

"You are," Jimin said. "If you're as good as you say, you'll probably get her number, her sign, and her measurements as well. So, go for it!"

I rolled my eyes at him and turned away. Jimin and JK began discussing their plans for that evening: should they go into Houston or hit one of the local clubs? I shrugged. It didn't matter to me. Any girl I picked up would be a consolation prize. My eyes were looking out for the one that had become ingrained in my mind. I was determined to show her why she shouldn't have dismissed me so quickly. Where was she?

A few minutes later, Seokjin exited the science building nearby and walked toward us. He took one look at the guys and snorted. "So, Blues Brothers, did you see her yet?"

"Don't sound so excited," I drawled sarcastically—his voice sounded miles away from excited. "And I think they were going more for Bond."

"Hm," Seokjin grunted skeptically.

"Whatever," JK said. "It's already eleven. We've been here for thirty minutes, and it's hot. I thought you said her class was at eleven."

"I said maybe she'd walk by around eleven because that was the time we saw her last time."

Seokjin looked around the area. "Maybe she's not coming."

"She will be when I get through with her," I quipped, making the guys chuckle. I couldn't wait for that moment.

"If you get to her," Seokjin retorted.

"The spirit of competition," Jimin said with a grin. "I like it."

Seokjin shook his head. "This whole thing is stupid and juvenile. And demeaning. I don't think I want any part of this."

"Come on!" JK called out. "Stop being such a Victorian. I've got two large on you, Jin. That's my weekly allowance. You gotta come through."

I frowned, hoping he would participate in the bet if only so that I could feel accomplished if I beat him. I knew I could win this bet if I got to her first, before Seokjin's looks and gallantry stole the show. My sexual prowess was my strong point. "Loser's bet. I will be with her. It's just a matter of time."

"Where's Hobi?" Seokjin asked, completely ignoring me.

I made a dismissive sound. "Hobi couldn't slip his leash. Hani has him in a straitjacket."

"Oh? That actually sounds exciting," JK said with some wide-eyed interest.

Jimin elbowed him in the ribs. "Not literally."

"So then what? Have his parents set the wedding date?" I asked, my eyes flickering across the courtyard. "When is he to be corraled and branded?"

"Soon, I believe. Better him than me," JK said. "Hani scares me, sort of."

Jimin pushed him. "I think girls in general scare you, little bro. But we'll protect your honor. Your virginity is safe." JK punched his arm. "You know Hani's not giving up the whole package. The engagement hasn't been formalized. No decent Royal girl would do it without a ring on her finger." His face split with a smirk. "Although their mouths are the gift that keeps on giving...or taking, in this case."

"Always taking and taking," I added, and everyone chuckled again. I saw that Seokjin shook his head in reproof and tempered my smile.

"Too bad this mystery girl's not Royal," JK murmured. "I'd sure like to see her on her knees in front of me."

"She's not going to slurp your straw," Jimin said. "Stop dreaming, junior. Besides, she's not even here." He frowned at me.

"I just thought she'd be walking by at the same time she did on Monday," I said a bit defensively.

"Well, Mr. Holmes, I guess you were wrong," Seokjin said and got to his feet. "I've got to get back to class. My lab partner is waiting for me."

"Is it a girl?" Jimin asked.

Seokjin hesitated then nodded.

"Is she hot? Are you smashing?"

Seokjin frowned. "You guys are pathetic, always thinking about the same thing. Grow up."

"I guess he's not hitting it," JK said. "Testing my faith here, Jin."

"Did we overestimate you?" Jimin asked. "Or maybe we should wager on your lab partner. What say you, Tae? Double challenge?"

"No!" Seokjin growled. We all stared at him in slight shock. "Not this girl," he continued. "Don't talk about her like that. She doesn't deserve to be the prize on a ridiculous bet." He glared at us one by one. "I mean it."

Jimin held up his hands. "Okay, okay. Calm down." He seemed rattled. Frankly, we all were. Seokjin didn't usually go off like that.

Seokjin glared at us before walking back toward the building.

I turned to Jimin. "What the hell was that?"

"Jimin pissed him off," JK answered.

"I wonder if he's doing her but doesn't want us to know," Jimin mused. "You know those quiet, innocent-looking ones are the worst players."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Choirboy Jin?"

"He never talks about his girls," JK said slowly. "Why would he tell us now?"

Jimin leaned closer. "So, have you seen this lab partner of his?"

I shook my head. "No, but she must be one hot number if he wants us to stay away from her."

"Still," Jimin continued. "I've never seen him get upset like that before, especially over some girl."

"Oh, he'll lighten up once he's punched her timecard," I said.

"Shit!" JK exclaimed. "If he gets his rocks off with his lab partner, he might not be all into our target! I don't want to lose."

"What makes you think he'd win?" I asked incredulously.

"He's Kim Seokjin. What girl would say no to him? All he has to do is ask," Jimin said, looking at me as if I were dimwitted. "He looks like a fucking Greek god with the manners of a choirboy."

"Hm," JK began. "Speaking of choirboys, weren't they usually castrated in the past? Missing their family jewels–you know, so that they could hit those high notes?"

Jimin and I stared at him with grimaces. "What the hell?"

"I don't think I want to be talking about eunuchs, psycho, not when I'm at attention just thinking about our mystery girl," Jimin said.

"Oh, okay."

"Ah, this heat. Let's go before my family jewels melt," I said and got to my feet. "We'll try again on Monday. Someone that hot will not stay hidden from me for long." The guys started talking about their plans for the night again, but my mind was on our mystery girl. My only plan was to get to her first. I was determined to win the bet.

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