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His shift last two more hours, in which he can’t stay calm. His heart yearns to go talk to Heeseung and fix everything, but his mind knows it won’t be easy. He knows it’ll be complicated, so he’s nervous and anxious. When he reaches Heeseung’s apartment, he’s shaking and he can hardly breathe, but he manages to ring the bell.

Muffled, he hears steps on the other side and then complete silence. There are hurried steps next moving away from the door before calm steps can be heard again. Sunghoon hears as someone unlocks the door.

“Jay, is–” Sunghoon tries to ask as he sees Jay standing there.

“He’s trying to escape through his window, go stop him before he breaks something.” Jay lets him in easily, he probably is as tired of their fight as Sunoo. He hears Jay closing the door as he walks over to Heeseung’s room.

When Sunghoon enters Heeseung’s room, he is indeed trying to balance his body out of the window. Sunghoon stares in complete disbelief for a moment, before deciding he really needs to interfere before he breaks his bones.

“Hyung, what are you doing?” Heeseung looks at him, half his body out the window.

“… I needed air?” Heeseung himself doesn’t seem to believe his lie.

“Come here before you hurt yourself,” Sunghoon tells him and, unexpectedly, Heeseung does so; coming back inside and sitting on his bed.

“I’m sorry,” they both say at the same time. Sunghoon wants to laugh, but the air between them feels incredibly tense.

“Sunoo came to the coffee shop today,” Sunghoon decides to say, “he gave me something from you, I think.”

“He did? Oh god, I’m so sorry,” why Heeseung is apologising escapes Sunghoon, so he stays quiet. “I didn’t think he would actually- and that was fast, he said it’d take days.” Heeseung continues, “I didn’t mean it when- well, I mean, I meant it a little bit? But just a little bit, you know what I wanted and- maybe he had some already prepared? I am so fucking sorry, Sunghoon.”

“Because he gave me your phone number?” Sunghoon asks as he notices Heeseung won’t keep talking.

“H-he gave you my number?” Sunghoon nod, slowly. “Not a love potion?” 

“You asked Sunoo to give me a love potion?” He asks taken aback.

“Well… no, I mean… I suggested it as a solution?” Heeseung attempts to make himself smaller, shrinking into himself. 

“A solution,” he deadpans, like their argument hadn’t been because of Heeseung wanting magic to solve his love life.

“I know,” he was quick to say. “I shouldn’t have, I was half joking, okay, I-” he pouts. “I told Sunoo everything that happened and how now I definitely wasn’t getting a date and asked him to help me… maybe every day since our- since we…”

“Okay, and how would giving me a love potion help you?” is as the words leave his mouth that he makes the connection. “Wait, am I…? Am I the witch you like?” Heeseung continues to pout as he nods.

“I thought you would have realised after I left your place and…” he gestures vaguely with his hands. Some things from their fight start to click in Sunghoon’s brain, like why Heeseung couldn’t tell him what he wanted from him.

“That’s why you were ignoring me?” Sunghoon asks confused, that would make more sense than Heeseung still being angry. Especially after the ‘I’m sorry’ message.

“What else was I supposed to do? I want to date you, but you don’t like me and we are friends and I just- I can’t deal with it right now, I need time.” He sounds tired and dejected.

“Wow, hold on.” Sunghoon stops him, “why do you think I don’t like you?”

“Because you said–” Sunghoon stops him, remembering what he said.

“You should know I am not good at following my own advice, okay?” He defends himself, “just because I told you that if you liked and wanted to date them you should tell them, doesn’t mean I would do the same.” Now Sunghoon understands why Sunoo was so insistent in them talking. Now he understands why Sunoo had been so done with him when he asked about the charms.

“So, you like me?” Heeseung asks just to confirm it.

“I- yes, yes I like you.” Sunghoon admits, finally. “I think Sunoo was actually trying to help you get a date, the traditional way.”

Heeseung starts laughing. It’s loud and filled with relief, “I can’t believe,” Heeseung barely gets up from the bed to grab Sunghoon by his arm and pull him onto the bed with him. He hugs Sunghoon tightly, and Sunghoon isn’t complaining. “I like you so much,” Heeseung whispers.

“I like you, too.” Sunghoon says it back, it feels magical even if it’s not. 

“Please, date me.” Heeseung’s voice is full of fear and hope. It sounds fragile as he asks that.

“Of course,” Sunghoon lets a moment pass before he speaks again, “telling me this from the beginning would have been faster.”

“What was stopping you from telling me?” Heeseung tries to point things at Sunghoon. And while he admits that would have made things easier, he won’t let Heeseung know for now.

“Oh no, you don’t get to turn it on me, I wasn’t the one trying to find a way to confess through magic,” he accuses Heeseung. “Speaking of, I still can’t believe you wanted to use a love potion on me.”

“But you weren’t supposed to drink it! Just… know that I had put it there, so you’d know I liked you and then you’d tell me if you also liked me or… not?” Heeseung explains.

“Did your plan ever make sense to you?” Sunghoon teases him, moving around to lay more comfortably against Heeseung.

“Yes?” Sunghoon laughed at Heeseung’s unsure answer, Heeseung squeezing him harder in his embrace. 

He was in love with an idiot, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

It Was a Confusing Experience for Everyone Involved | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now