Some Sense

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A couple of days pass before Sunghoon hears from Heeseung, and it’s only a text message that reads ‘I’m sorry’. Sunghoon doesn’t know what to do, he’s tried calling him a couple of times, but each time he only reached the voice mail. It’s frustrating, he doesn’t even get a follow up message after he asks to please just get to talk. He doesn’t want to be fighting with Heeseung, it’s the last thing he wants. Still, he has no idea how to fix things.

Maybe he should have just made the love potion for him when he first asked, they wouldn’t be in this mess if he had. God, he even knows Heeseung would never actually give it to the other witch, he’s just a jealous asshole. He didn’t want to risk it and now everything is worse than if he had given him the love potion. 

Or he could have come up with something else, some random spell or the beauty enhancement charm. Anything, really. Heeseung didn’t want to actually use the magic; just pretend to use it, so the witch would realise and approach him. Sunghoon knew this then and knows it now. He still refused to do anything and now he’s suffering the consequences. 

He hates himself.

It’s now been a week since their fight, Heeseung hasn’t showed up to any of his shifts at the cafe and he’s lost all hope that he’ll see him today. He just wants to make up and maybe offer to make the love potion in compensation. The more he thinks about it, the more likely he is to just make the potion and go to Heeseung’s place to give it to him as a pace offering. It’ll take a couple of day, but maybe that’ll fix things.

Or it’ll make things worse, since Heeseung will realise Sunghoon could have made the potion from the beginning and chose not to. He’s going to have to risk it one way or the other, because they are already not talking.

As much as he wants to deny it, he gets disappointed every time the front door opens and Heeseung isn’t the one coming in. He thinks he’s masking his discontent pretty well when the costumer approaches him and he takes their order.

“Jeez, hyung, I know I’m not who you are waiting for, but at least fake it a little,” Sunoo makes him realise he’s doing a terrible job at hiding it. 

“Sorry, I just- we had a fight and ̶ ” He tries to explain and Sunoo rolls his eyes.

“I know, believe me,” and he sounds tired and done with them. “Anyway, I came to give you this,” he says holding a folded piece of paper towards Sunghoon, who looks at it in confusion. 

“Okay? What’s this?” He takes it and unfolds it, thinking maybe it’s a client asking for a potion or something like that and Sunoo doesn’t want to deal with it. But it’s not. “This is Heeseung’s number.”


“Why are you giving me this? I have his number, he’s not answering.” Sunghoon is lost, what was Sunoo even doing?

“I know and I wish I didn’t, but he decided to involve me in this,” he huffs in frustration. “I’ve been telling him for days to just answer his phone, but no, that bitch has to be stubborn as hell.” Sunghoon never thought he’d ever hear Sunoo call Heeseung a bitch, he guesses he must be really exhausted of whatever Heeseung’s been doing.

There’re multiple questions floating around in Sunghoon’s head, the loudest one wondering why Heeseung decided to go to Sunoo for their fight. Unless Heeseung went to Sunoo for help with his crush and ended up telling him about them in the process. Part of him wants to believe Heeseung went to talk just about them and not his crush, but he doesn’t think that’s logical. He also wants to ask Sunoo if Heeseung mentioned anything about helping him with his crush, but he doesn’t want to know the answer.

“Well then, what am I supposed to do with this?” he points at the paper.

“Go talk to the idiot before I use a truth potion on him or you.” Sunghoon takes the threat seriously and nods. “Make up with him, so he’ll leave his apartment like he used to, so Jungwon can go over there and I can spend some time alone with Riki.” Sunoo adds, but Sunghoon isn’t actually listening to that part.

“It’s not like I don’t want to talk to him,” Sunghoon defends himself as he feels like Sunoo is accusing him of something. “I tried, several times a day, he just won’t answer…”

“But have you gone to his apartment? No, don’t even try to lie to me, I would know.” Sunghoon stutters trying to come up with a reasonable excuse.

“I’ve… I haven’t had the time to go…”

“I told you not to lie to me, Hyung.” Sunoo sounds and looks serious. “I know you are scared, but if you two just talked, actually talked, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“But we did talk, he just wouldn’t tell me–” 

“You are as much at fault as he is, the both of you are shit at this and I am tired.” Sunoo interrupts him before he can excuse himself. He knows Sunoo is right. “Just go and talk to him, please.

He’ll have to pay Heeseung a visit at his place and hope the other will open the door for him. Or at least hear him out through the door. Sunoo doesn’t move from his place, looking at Sunghoon like he was expecting something. In the second it takes Sunghoon to understand what he wants; a costumer comes in and Sunghoon has to take their order. After he’s done with that, he returns to Sunoo.

“You mean now?” Sunghoon points at the paper, “like, you want me to go right now?”

“Yes.” Sunoo answers automatically.

“I- my shift hasn’t ended yet? I can’t go now,” he is also not mentally prepared to go see Heeseung.

“Then after you shift, I don’t care, just do it,” with that, Sunoo starts walking away but stops as he opens the front door and turns to Sunghoon. “Do it,” he repeats and Sunghoon nods. He’s going to die.

It Was a Confusing Experience for Everyone Involved | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now