First Attempt

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Like most other Friday evenings, Sunghoon is working a shift at the coffee shop close to the local university campus. It’s just a little job he does while he attends his college classes. Mostly, because it’s convenient and while there are bad days, he gets along with his co-workers and most costumers are tired college students who don’t cause much trouble. That, together with the odd jobs he gets for being a witch are enough for him to live. Well, that and his parents, but he tries not to rely on them too much.

“So, say, hypothetically speaking,” Heeseung starts, looking at Sunghoon from across the counter as Sunghoon makes a drink for a random costumer. Sunghoon acknowledges Heeseung with a hum, but he isn’t looking directly at him. “Can your magic affect other witches? Or like, yourself?”

Sunghoon is used to questions about his magic, not many know a real witch, much less one that actually practices magic. It is still weird to have Heeseung, who has known him for years, ask something like that.

“I guess, I never tried,” Sunghoon still answers honestly. In theory, it should work. “If I make a potion, it should still work on me if I drink it.”

“What if you made like… a love potion, those exist, right?” Sunghoon nods, though he’s starting to be suspicious of Heeseung’s questions. “So if you made one for someone, and they used it on a witch like you… it would work?”

“It should, but again, that’s not something I’ve done before,” Heeseung waves that off with one hand, like that isn’t the point. “And, I have no intention of trying something like that.”

“But wouldn’t you want to know?” Which Sunghoon thinks is a good point, but his curiosity is not big enough to actually try it.

“I’ll ask Sunoo later, I think he’s tried it before.” Sunghoon hands the drink over to the costumer, who doesn’t look too happy with how long Sunghoon took to give him his order.

Sunoo will most definitely know, he’s very experimental with his magic. It is also convenient for Sunghoon since they are flatmates. Even if they weren’t, he does have Sunoo’s number, but this is easier, he can just ask once he gets home. That is, if Sunoo is home, if not he can ask the next time he sees him.

“Sunoo tried a love potion on himself?” Heeseung looks surprised making Sunghoon laugh.

“Of course, not.” There are no more costumers at the moment, so Sunghoon moves closer to where Heeseung is. “I think it was a truth potion, or something like that.”

“Oh,” Heeseung still seems confused. “Why?”

“I have no clue, I’ll remember to ask him,” he shrugs, and Heeseung leaves it at that. “Why do you want to know?” Sunghoon can’t stop himself from asking.

Sunghoon pointedly looks at Heeseung. It is obvious to Sunghoon that Heeseung wasn’t expecting that question, but he doesn’t seem nervous, just surprised. In his mind, Sunghoon goes over the conversation again; they weren’t even talking about magic before.

“I was curious…” He says after a couple of seconds in silence. “We don’t talk much about you being a witch.”

“Well… I guess that’s true,” Sunghoon concedes. Still, something is off about the conversation, about Heeseung. But if Heeseung doesn’t want to tell him, he won’t push for it.

Sunghoon gets distracted by a new costumer who entered the coffee shop. He keeps glancing over at Heeseung every once in a while, the other calmly sipping his drink and following Sunghoon’s movements. It’s nice, though Sunghoon doesn’t get why Heeseung does this every other shift he has. He’s sure Heeseung has better things to do that watch him work.

“And what about charms? Or like, spells? Would they work?” Heeseung insists.

“Hyung, I really don’t know,” Sunghoon sounds a little more annoyed than he intends. “It’s not something I’ve tried and I don’t think any of my clients has tried it either,” he just wants the matter to be left alone.

“Okay… I’ll stop asking…” The tone of Heeseung’s voice makes Sunghoon feel a little guilty.

Maybe he should have been a little gentler.

It takes a couple of days for Heeseung to bring up the subject again. This time they are at Sunghoon’s apartment. They are, supposedly, watching a movie.

“You know…” Heeseung starts talking lazily, head resting on Sunghoon’s lap, turning slightly to look up at Sunghoon. “you never asked Sunoo about the potions thing.”

Sunghoon tries to remember what Heeseung is talking about. “What about?” he ends up giving up.

“If potions work on the witch that made them.” And now he kind of remembers having that conversation.

“Sorry, I forgot,” Sunghoon smiles, hoping that will grant him forgiveness.

“Obviously,” Heeseung rolls his eyes at him, but can’t stop his own smile from forming. “Anyway, I did ask him.” Sunghoon hums.

“And what did he say?” It isn’t that he doesn’t care, because it’s Heeseung, but he still doesn’t get why he’s so obsessed with knowing something like that.

“They do work,” Heeseung says simply, “he also said he took the truth potion to finally confess to Riki.”

“I’d expect something like that from Sunoo,” Sunghoon chuckles.

“Yeah…” silence forms between them again, “would you do it?”


“Use one of your potions on yourself,” Sunghoon thinks about it for a second.

“Probably not, there’s nothing I want that needs a potion for it to work.” Heeseung hums and seems to finally let the subject drop.

“Speaking of… where is Sunoo?” Sunghoon shrugs, not really knowing but also absolutely knowing.

“Probably with Riki,” because whenever Sunoo wasn’t there, he was with Riki. Sunghoon has stopped worrying after the fourth time that had been the case.

“I see, and Jake?” Sunghoon honestly almost forgets he’s supposed to have two flatmates.

“With Jay,” which Heeseung, as Jay’s flatmate, should know.

Heeseung nods, he’s met Jake more than one morning at his place, so it made sense. They focus back on the movie for a bit.

“Wait, so is Jungwon alone?” Heeseung suddenly asks.

“Well, I’m pretty sure he has more friends than just us,” Sunghoon comments, “but I’m also pretty sure he’s with Jay and Jake.”

“Oh,” he’s never seen Jungwon over at his place, but it could still be possible.

“I think they are dating, or almost dating,” Sunghoon adds. “We think so with Sunoo.”

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