Chapter Twenty-Eight: Rain and Lightning

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The two choppers that had already been in the Fortuna Guard's possession filled up quickly, while the new one was left behind for the Fortuna's technicians to make their modifications. Eric found a seat by the window, where he wound up with Sam on his right and Adam on his left.

Summer paused next to the door to the cockpit. "So, where are we headed, exactly?" she asked Wren.

"Just south of Seattle," Wren said. "I can fly—"

"I'll fly, you give directions," Summer said. She stepped into the cockpit. "Come on."

While Wren followed Summer, Veronica took a seat on the other side of Sam. "Are you nervous?" she asked quietly.

"Not really," Sam replied. "I guess I'm getting used to this. What about you?

Veronica shrugged. "I actually feel pretty good about this."

Sam glanced at Eric. "Eric?"

"I feel good about this, too," Eric told him, relieved to find it was true.

A few moments later, Summer and Wren reemerged from the cockpit. "We'll be on autopilot for a few minutes," Summer announced.

"So, what exactly is Scorpion trying to steal?" Sam asked, eyeing Wren.

Summer glanced at Wren and raised an eyebrow.

Wren rolled her eyes. "I don't know. Parts to build more soldiers, or something."

"Yeah, I already asked," Summer said. "Seems like the kids aren't given many details on Scorpion's plans. They just follow orders."

"Kids?" Wren said indignantly. "We're the same age!"

"How old are you?" Veronica asked skeptically.


"Close enough, I guess," Summer muttered.

Eric glanced out the window. Before long, city lights were popping up in the black below. Rain started hitting the window. He groaned. "Seriously? Rain?"

"It's Seattle, what did you expect?" Adam asked.

Eric turned to face forward and sighed. "I was hoping I could have a little luck, for once."

Summer laughed. "Hey, it's the perfect opportunity to practice electrokinesis instead."

"I guess." Eric glanced down at his hands as they curled into fists. "Still gonna hate it, though."

Wren smirked. "Ooh, good. It pisses Ash off so much that you have two powers."

"He's that mad?" Eric asked, glancing up at her.

"Yeah. He already hates losing recruits." Wren shrugged. "And you had a lot of potential."

Eric frowned. "Ash thinks I have potential?"

"I mean, you've done pretty well in fights, considering your lack of training. If you let him train you?" Wren shook her head. "But whatever, that's never gonna happen. You're all a bunch of nerds."

"Hey, are you on our side now or not?" Summer asked, her voice teasing.

"Doesn't mean I have to act like I think you're cool or something."

"Whatever you say." Summer chuckled and started toward the cockpit. "I think we should be getting close."

Wren followed her in. Eric went back to staring out the window. A couple of minutes later, they were descending.

The landscape below was mostly dark forest, and the warehouse stood out in the night, illuminated by bright lights around the property. An empty road cut through the trees and past the field where the building sat.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Fortuna Guard (#2) [MOVING JUNE 30]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora