Red son was beginning to feel... Useless at the thought of that. He doesn't owe anyone anything but it really feels like it! Like he has to prove himself like he has come back with value! He left home because of selfish reasons, he had good intentions but it would just be better to be safe than sorry, he didn't want to come back empty-handed! He could come back with inside information on their foes! And he would come back with control over his fire!


Of course! Once Red son has learned to control his fire he can use it against them! But his intrusive thoughts began to flood back in again, making him doubt himself like before, what if he can't control it? Maybe just a little but how would that keep him from harming himself? He didn't want to harm his family either, that was the whole point of why he left in the first place. He didn't want to hurt the Noodle boy either... It was weird how he lost the motivation to attack the other man or the others. "Hmm..." He let out an audible hum, an indication of how deep in thought he was. He has gotten softer and softer to the noodle boy, he hasn't revealed any of his secrets, but he's beginning to find him enjoyable and he wants to keep spending time with him even more. He wanted to get closer to him, not just to get propaganda, but simply on a personal desire. How would he even react to his abilities? Well, he already has the answer to that question, he would want to help him, protect him, and worry about him. It seems that Red son was valuable to him too.

"Hey! I hope I wasn't gone for too long!" Mk announced as he walked inside the flat, startling Red son just a bit. He didn't even hear the door open, perhaps all this thinking was distracting him! "Something on your mind?" Mk asked. "You really got to stop reading people so easily," Red muttered out, it was getting on his nerves. Mk chuckled, "Sorry but I can't help it! Especially from how interesting you are." That got Red's attention. "What do you mean?" He asked a perplexed expression resting on his face. "Oh, well uhh... I just don't often meet people- well, demons for that matter like you," Mk stammered, "And you've been really calm about this whole ordeal anyway." Red's face went back to its neutral self, but a small smile was visible. "Really? Never met a person with similarities of the Red son?" He stated, almost boasting. "Heh, guess not. You're one of a kind," Mk said back, and that comment made Red son blush ever so slightly, he's never been described as 'one of a kind' before. "Surely I'm not that unique," Red said, it sorta sounded self-deprecating... "Well, to me you are," Mk smiled, Red will never admit but he truly loved his smiles, and this one felt tender and even loving, but surely in a platonic way... He quickly looked away, making sure he looked annoyed rather than flustered, it's getting much more difficult hiding his feelings from the Noodle boy, but there are times when it is super easy to hide those feelings due to how dense the monkey boy was. Thankfully his tactic worked as he can hear the other sigh. "Hey! You've never gotten a chance to spend time with Mei! What do you say? Maybe you could join us at the Arcade!" Mk exclaimed, successfully changing the topic. It would be a good distraction from his thoughts, and it would be nice to learn more about the dragon girl. And at that, he simply nodded, and Mk jumped in delight.

Okay, so Red son wasn't having the greatest time at the arcade. There were lots of people, the strobing lights always getting in his eyes, and the low gravity feature wasn't helping any of it. At least the games were fun but it was quite the shame that Red son had to distance himself from really competitive or raging games, he can't let himself get an outburst anytime soon. Red couldn't even count the games they've played and was starting to lag behind, he now can see why Mei was considered to be obnoxious, and he couldn't understand the stamina the two had. Despite all that was bad, he was having a fun time just spending hours with them, and they had conversations come and go but each was interrupted or distracted from another topic or game. Though the prince couldn't help but feel a little left out since the majority of the time it was Mk and Mei spending time together, he felt like a total third-wheel! Why did he even choose to tag along? That is yet another question he has an answer to, it was because he couldn't refuse Mk's offer, and if he tried to he would simply persist until either person gave up. One way or the other, Red son was completely unnecessary. Red was also having a hard time debating if he should make it obvious or not that he was unhappy because he knows Mk would feel guilty, but he also knows that they would involve him more. Wait! Why do I even care!? Red's mind exclaimed, he has no reason to care. It's just some stupid peasants who play on stupid brain-numbing cabinets and eat stupid unhealthy food! He shouldn't feel the need to waste his breath on them, they don't even deserve a sliver of respect! That's how it should be, except Red son was doing the exact opposite of what his brain was telling him to do. Before he had no hope for the Noodle boy, and that still stands! Who doesn't vacuum their home until the floor is entirely darker!? That continues to perplex him and he's too nervous to ask him how long it has been since the flat was cleaned. But never mind that! Why should Red son care so much about the value of humans? Why does he feel like their opinions should be validated? Perhaps it's because those are their best qualities, and maybe those statements did have truth to them. Despite the many differences he has with them, he finds them very relatable and honestly enjoyable. He let out an audible sigh, he cringed from the weight of it. "Is something wrong..?" Mk asked, peaking from over the demon's shoulder. "You should really wear a bell," Red grumbled. Mk chuckled, but his expression faltered once more, "But really... What's wrong?" Mk persisted. Red looked over his shoulder and stared down at the brunet, he's never really gotten a good look until now... Maybe he has but this time he's actually paying attention to his looks, he looked at his dazzling brown eyes, dark enough that they appeared black. He got a good look at his smooth skin, and his hair too. Both looked nice. "Nothing really..." He began, he wanted to lie about it, say he was fine, but he just couldn't, "I guess I feel a little... Excluded?" Mk gasped, "Red! I'm so sorry you feel that way! I can include you in more games, really! I AM SO SORRY!" He pleaded, apologizing too many times for Red son. "Sheesh! You're fine, really! I said it was nothing anyhow!" He hissed playfully. "Well, come on! I think I know a game you'd like!" Mk cheered, dragging the three over.


Communication is a good thing, someone should always tell the other how they're feeling. Tell them if they feel uncomfortable and whatnot. Red son can't really do that, he doesn't understand his feelings at the moment so it'd be really awkward if he said anything about it, and he shouldn't even tell the Noodle boy about those emotions anyway. He was lagging behind once again like before in the arcade, this time they were outside and taking a walk, this was nice though; despite all the weird stares. "Must they have to look?" He asked, finding the attention annoying. It was a little weird, he'd rather be invisible than have all the eyes on him, maybe he'd fear about their thoughts and feelings, he's very sure that they have lots to say about him. "Oh, Red boy doesn't like all the attention?" The dragon girl said in a mocking tone, like Mk, she was able to read him too, just not as well. She probably just sees the hints very easily. Good thing Red son has learned to make him illegible enough. "Yeah, I guess... I just find it a little awkward," He responded annoyingly, not much of a talking mood anymore. "You find it awkward?" Mei asked, an obviously confused tone and expression off of her. "I mean, it is me, Red son. I just don't think the locals like me that much," He answered, covering his face with his hand. "Daw, I'm sure they'd love you after they got to know you! Take Mk for example!" She exclaimed, Red son paused at that. "What do you mean Mk as an example?" He asked and was greeted with a rather shocked but understanding expression. "I guess I just thought he liked ya or something like he does but in a different way," She said, laying her arms behind her head as she strutted across the concrete. "Oh... I don't think he'd like me that way," He said, lot was on his mind all of the sudden, suppose anything that involves Mk makes him feel that way. "Nah, he'd totally like you that way is the thing! I'm just not sure if he does now," She remarked, making Red son almost cough out of surprise. "I don't understand..." He croaked, making the dragon girl chuckle. "I'm saying he hasn't realized his feelings yet," Mei continued to speak so nonchalantly, "But then again... Mk is usually open-minded and nice to people."  Red son let out an audible hum, not in the mood to continue this conversation, but he still had so many questions. 

He had begun to start thinking about his feelings and thoughts about the noodle boy, had he felt that way about him? At times he forgets about his whole plan, getting information and training, but throughout he's only been thinking about having fun. Was this something that people normally do? Constantly thinking about what adventures they'd share with their new friends? Come to think of it, these people were probably his first ever real friends. 

He'd have to think more about this.

Author's Note

Okay, so this chapter is unfinished! I just really wanted to get something out since it seems like I've been inactive! I'll continue this as a separate chapter called "Chapter 8.5" or something like that! Please bare with me WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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