"permission granted" he shouted.

"1 week is not enough to collect 1000 signatures." and it irked arthit. what kind of guy he has became where is the sweet boy who obeyed his every command, pampered him and never looked him in his eyes if he did he became shy? did he really break him? arthit thought. then they fought ending with kong sitting down angry and pat taking his hand to comfort him which was not missed by arthit.

Arthit just came back from pattaya and had to rush to the college. He have no idea about kong's return and seeing this boy now he has a feeling is a blast from the past but he cant be too sure. The kong he knew was a chubby one but this one is lean and has sharp features could probably give a runaway model a run for their money. But maybe he is not. He left right? Yeah he is in denial.

Arthit and gang left the hazing hall. Arthit was fuming. Knott saw arthit's expression and he has doubt.

"Arthit do you think..." knot started

"Dont take his name" arthit said

"Oi hoi what is cooking here? Whose name? Who? Why? What? Common give me details" bright obviously

Knott and arthit sighed but didnt reply.

2 days later:

Em was sitting on the bench sulking.

"Alaiwa?" Kong said seeing the gloomy expression on em

"I have only got 3! 3 signatures how am i going to complete the task?" Em

"Give me i will collect it for you i dont like people pushing someone to do they dont like" kong said

"No its fine i dont want you to get in trouble with seniors"

"Its okay" kong took em's book "by the way where is the scary lady"

"Dont know dont care" em said nonchalantly kong sighed knowing they fought yet again

Kong was collecting signatures for both him and aim when he... unfortunately caught a certain senior's attention

"Hoi arthit isnt that your favourite nong kong?" Bright the self proclaimed hilarious one said. This took the hazer's table attention. Arthit saw noticed the 2 notebooks on kong's hand well hell.

"0062!" Arthit shouted

'What does he need? If its not enough his dorm is right infront of mine and i had to see not so formal looks and hide too!'

"Khap p'arthit" kong cursed his stars for this situation like hell he was minding his own business and was planning to go quietly to not be noticed by them but what the f*** is this?

"Why do you hace 2 notebooks?" Arthit asked.

Kong wanted to tsk but instead resort to pushing his cheeks with his tongue one habit he incurred at a very young age and arthit was kinda happy seeing the reaction.

"You didnt tell us how to collect signatures and besides i am helping a friend" kong said.

"Kongpob! This task is to make students more comfortable in communicating and approaching senior. How will your friend learn to do that if you do his work?" Arthit said kong understood the task so he decided to shut up.

"Do you have my signature?" Arthit asked

Kong perked up even tho he was irritated by arthit who doesnt want his crush's signature.

"Not yet"kong said

"Can you do one thing for me?" And kong is never the one to back from a good challenge

WILDEST DREAMS [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now