"Oh phi common just for a moment." Arthit got irritated then and looked annoyed. Kong saw his father's car coming through the glass walls and knew its only a matter of time that he would be called and he will never see arthit again ever.

So here goes nothing.

"Phi arthit I like you. No I love you. I just..."

Arthit laughed

"You have been seeing too much series nong. You arent even 13 yet are you sure you can watch those..."

Kong's eyes filled with tears knowing not only he was getting rejected but his feelings were being made fun of too.

"Phi how can you say that. I really like you." Kong was on verge of crying but he is a boy and boys shouldnt cry or it has been said that but he wont cry because he cant show his weakness his father always taught him to be strong and never let outsiders see your tears and he is in middle if canteen with some prying eyes on them so nope sir he cant cry. No can do sir.

Seeing the serious expression arthit felt his bile rise. His nong the boy he thought his brother confessing him. He is not homophobic but this uh uh and not in a day where he was going to confess his love to his first love.

"How can you?" arthit looked scandalised. " i never thought you more than a brother. You cant do this to me. And you up and confess in mid of canteen what will they think! You shameless stupid idiot. I wish i never met you" yeah all throw your shoes on this overdramatic arthit. Kong had drops of tears rolling on his cheek and students were eyeing him with pity or disgust. Just then he was called because his father called him to principal office. He knew why. But others thought its because of this oh well naive dumbasses how can they be so fast? Didnt think of that too lol.

"I hope he gets a beating for this" he heard tine saying.

"Right. I cant stomach food now too." Arthit said pushing his food away and this made kong devastated he heard everything.

He went to home with a gloomy cloud over his head if his parents noticed anything they didnt say anything to him or to their friends. Its not their place to meddle in. Kongpob was now enrolled in an american school so he wont be attending school here and he have already taken the final exams for that year through special request. He spent his time on his grandparent's farm he was hurt beyond measure. Those words ringing in his head and thinking of different scenarios.

Soon the day of departure came and the rojnapats were there. Looks like arthit didnt say anything to his parents cause they were being their usual self but arthit didnt came. not even for a goodbye and that broke kong a little more.

Kong boarded the flight with heavy heart. That's the last time kong was in thailand and that tiffin break was the last time he had seen arthit.

Schweckkkk... (you know if you want sound effect)

7 years later

A handsome young man with tanned skin hairs perfectly styled wearing a ripped beige pants and a oversized black hoodie with glasses disembaked the flight that flew all the way from america to thailand. He came outside and breathed in, 5 youngsters of his age were following him like he is the leader. Then he coughed

Ahkk ahkk

The smallest guy went to him and patted his back.

"He isnt accustomed to the air here. Here kong drink this" the smaller guy said shaking his head at his friends antics of copying the dramas and inhaling the air of their homeland when they return after long time.

If anyone saw the whole thing they would have laughed too hard but to their good luck they didnt.

"Common we gotta go!" The only girl in the group shouted and everyone followed her sighing at her over energy.

Kong went through familiar roads yet they looked so unfamiliar. The ride chaotic as hell and the uber driver wanting to throw the 6 of them out. How they 7 fit in a five seater car well ask the small guy and the small girl. Kong in the front couldnt help but dread meeting someone, someone who was once so special, someone who no matter what he could get rid of. Someone he loved and still loves so much. How love works still baffles him though.

He wonders how he looks now? Does he like pink milk now too? Is he in a relationship? Did he enroll in medical faculty like he wanted to? He wants to know it all but how could he know?        Although their parents kept in touch life got in the way and communication got so limited that they only called each other on special days. And neither mentioned about their children except how they were doing. And neither kong nor arthit tried to talk to each other for once.

Standing infront of their old house brought so much nostalgia for kong.

"Idiot move away we are suffocating here" the tall guy shouted. Yeah that idiot came and stood infront of the door to look at his house blocking the path of the six stuffed people inside a 3 seater space.

He gave a sheepish smile and moved away allowing others to get out.

"Everyone is here right let me count." The smaller one said.

" kong the dramatic one check, tim the rich, tall one check, sarawat the cold one check, lady pat the scary one check, Em the one pining over pat for eternity double check... ow where is another?" The guy scratched his head which was replied by a flick on his head by sarawat.

"Ow what sat!" He shouted. Then he understood and grinned

"Rome the short one and the cute one check check check" he said smiling which was answered by unamused glances. Kong paid the uber driver and went inside the house side eyeing the house nearby. He sighed.

Why do i keep doing this? Writing a new one before finishing the old one? Tsk tsk not good! But i cant help it tho sorry.
I will finish it before the end of august tho! Well i hope i do cause i dont think i will get time after that.🙂🙂
I hate unfinished stories too.

And today is p'singto's birthday so i had to!


republished! let's see if second attempt will help me complete this story.


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