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While I thought

I was learning how

to live

I have been


to die


Chapter word count:2,264


Adam didn't tell the full story from the fear that with the revelation, Kate and Lawrence would, in spite of everything they went through in the past two hours, let him die. There had been a moment in his life where he was ready to die and the very thought of death had meant nothing, but since he had awoken in the bathroom, a mousy teacher to one side and an older and levelheaded doctor across him, death no longer felt as trivial as it had once been.

Now, he was scared, and there was nothing he could do to alleviate the fear that roared in his stomach and caused the very fibers in his body to tense.

Kate watched him with an intense care, her eyebrows knitted together and her bottom lip trembling. Lawrence avoided Adam's wandering eyes that looked for something-though he didn't know what he yearned.

The room was silent except for the occasional Kate who would cough into her arm, her face squinted and turning into a bright and cherry tomato red. The three just sat there, letting Adam's story sink in. It came as a shock as the cellphone next to the wooden box let loose a trilling ring.

All three stared at the phone. Whether or not they should answer plagued every thought in their minds. Then Lawrence picked up the phone, flipped it open and with a timid voice croaked out a 'who is this?'.

Kate and Adam watched with anticipation. Though they couldn't hear who was on the other side of the receiver, they knew it couldn't of been good. Lawrence's face, which always seemed to remain stoic, was now twisted and contorted in what the two bystanders could only assume was from a heart-wrenching pain.

"Diana?" Lawrence spoke to the phone, standing from clear shock.

"Yeah, baby, it's me." He started sniffling, "Don't worry, honey, everything's going to be okay. Where's Mommy?"

Adam watched the man converse while Kate attempted to rip off the sleeve of her army jacket to dab away at the blood that would sometimes roll down from her cheek when she moved her jaw too quickly.

"Let me talk to her, sweetie, okay? Put Mommy on."

Lawrence began to cry more as his daughter still spoke. "Wha...what man?"

Kate felt her throat close up from fear, her breaths becoming even more sporadic. With the other sleeve of her jacket, she attempted to wipe her sweat off her face. Every few blots in every few minutes and now, the sleeve was almost drenched. She put a hand on her forehead and felt the warmth radiate. She was already running a fever; if what the tape had told her was true, she was already succumbing to the symptoms.

"Ali? Is that you?" Lawrence pleaded, his voice cracking.

Then the phone conversation went quiet and Lawrence glanced over at Adam who still watched the doctor with concern in his eyes. It was made evident that whatever was happening to Diana and Alison, the young man also cared as well.

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