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Death is nothing to us,

since when we are,

death has not come,

and when death has come,

We are not


Total chapter word count: 1,839



"Are you sure it's him? This Jigsaw guy?" Adam asked skeptically, his voice a whisper.

Lawrence sucked in his breath and looked down at the floor to avoid the eyes of the two young prisoners, hunger for the truth in their soulful eyes. Diana had the same eyes, he and Alison had once had those eyes. Those days were gone. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Adam became hysterical once again, "How do I know you're telling the truth?" he accused, "You can be the one that put me in this room!"

"Adam, he's in the same exact situation we're in," Kate said rationally, a part of her peeved that Adam only worried about how he got in the room. And not her.

"Wrong!" he yelled, standing up suddenly and pointing at Lawrence, "Wrong! You've got one thing I don't have: information!"

He began walking as far as his chain would let him to Lawrence. Adam scared Kate. The way his face changed, his body language that went from a light version of dopy to agressive, every step he took having to be loud and booming. "You know who did this!"

Adam bent down to pick up a large mirror shard, every intention of using it running through his body. Kate wanted to hold him back, put her hand over his mouth, maybe even sit on him. Anything to stop him from getting himself hurt. "Now, you either tell me what is really going on or I'll cut you with this, you hear me? I'll cut--"

Something in the mirror had caught Adam's attention and he stopped his rant. Instead, he moved the glass in his hands, studying it, flipping it. Then, he looked at the mirror on the wall.

"What is it, Adam?" asked Lawrence, following Adam's gaze to the half broken mirror.

"Adam? Hey, Adam?" Kate called. She didn't take his silence lightly. He knew something, she was sure of it.

Adam glanced over at the other captives, "It's a two-way mirror."

He dropped the shard carefully on the floor and walked back to his corner, searching. Finally, he let out a sigh of relief and grabbed a large and broken padlock. Squinting his eyes, a little peek of pink tongue coming out of his mouth due to concentration, he threw the padlock dead center on the mirror. When it wasn't to his standards, he bent down to pick up some loose crumbs of the tiled floor and threw it at the mirror again.

Revealed on the other side was a camera, a red light signaling it was on.

"So that's what this is: Reality TV," Adam released a delusional chuckle, "I get it."

Kate sighed and put her head in her lap. Lawrence stared straight at the camera with a look of confusion.

"Can you hear me in there? Huh? I'm having a blast! This is the most fun I've had without lubricant," Adam proclaimed to the camera, picking up more debris to throw at the camera," Make sure you get everything, you little Shitheads!"

"That's not going to do anything," Kate told Adam sadly, "We already knew this man likes to watch his own games. Haven't you been paying attention?"

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