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For Abyss-of-Crazy, one of my closest friend on Wattpad. This chapter is for you!

Chapter word count: 3,372


That is not dead

which can eternal lie,

yet with stranger aeons,

even Death

may die





"Well, Kate...Adam," Lawrence said, stretching himself over to a pipe to sit, his right leg jingling, "What we need to do is start thinking about why we're here. Whoever brought us here could have killed us by now, but they didn't."

Kate nodded in agreement and started rubbing her hands together to gain warmth. Adam, who had given up on yanking his chain free, was now pacing the floor in his corner.

"They must want something from us," continued The Doctor, "Question is...what."

His eyes began tearing the room apart and Kate began following suit. The bathroom wasn't large, but it wasn't small. All that stood out to her was the crumbling tiles on the floor and walls, the loud illuminating ceiling lights that hanged too low, her dirty toilet and Adam's bathtub. No clues as to why they were there, she thought, at least there was none that she could see.

"That clock..." Kate and Adam quickly looked at the doctor then followed his gaze towards the clock perfectly aligned on the wall above the slender woman. The time read ten o'clock.

"What about it?" asked Adam.

"It's brand new." replied Lawrence, now standing up with his eyes squinted to examine the wall clock as close as he could.


"So somebody obviously wants us to know the time." Lawrence said as he continued to stare at the wall.

As they all focused on the wall clock, another wave of coughs hit Kate fast. Escaping from her mouth, a fiery and overwhelming sensation began rushing through her body like an electric current. Her body shook with an explicit pain, a war ravaged in her stomach, the hammer in her head pounding to the same rhythm as her heartbeat. She felt like Death was knocking on her door and wouldn't leave until he had her in his arms.

"Kate, Kate, just take a deep breath. You'll be alright." Lawrence said in his consoling tone, "It'll pass soon, just let it ride."

Kate took a deep look into the icy blue eyes staring at her and with all the strength she could muster, she gave him an affirmative nod and clutched the bottom of her dress. Her fists were tiny white balls. Soon the coughs died down, each one escaping less loud but burning her throat even more. She could feel Adam's gaze on her.

"Hey," she said under her breath as she took off her thin army green jacket, using the sleeve to wipe her bleeding lip and spit off her face, "Do you think you can reach that door by you?"

Without a warning, Lawrence moved towards the giant, wooden sliding door beside him. As soon as he got close, he began pushing and shoving. Kate dropped her jacket and watched him hopefully as he pushed all his might into the door. Then she glanced at Adam who began searching his pockets and thought nothing of it. She returned her gaze to Lawrence.

Lawrence finally, with a sigh, turned around with a look of disappointment on his face. Kate frowned and took a deep breath. There was no use, none of them were strong enough.

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