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party poison's pov

i ran my hand though my red hair, trying to calm myself down, from what the hell i was even feeling.

jet star leaved the side of me, making me stare back at where he was standing just two seconds ago, leaving me with my brother that i had a fight with just a day ago

i heard a clacking sound from beside the door and bending sounds of leather
"uhm guys..?"

i looked to the voice coming beside the door. jet star was next to the box that we kept the chargers- which are the refillers for our ray guns, staring at us worriedly

"we are out of chargers.."

i saw Y/K/N look behind her, inside the box. and of course, ghoul leaning beside her like a slug
"i have a few. i can give it to you guys if you'd like."

kobra shook his head, walking to the box beside jet star
"a few won't be enough when we go fighting with draculoids.."

Y/K/N shrugged, turning around in her spot, still looking at ghoul's ray gun. jet star raised his hands, sighing in reply

"then we gotta go out to get chargers from the vend-a-hacks."

i heard Y/K/N laugh muffled, ghoul looking at her disappointedly. then she said, calming down
"me and ghoul are out. my ray gun is broken and so is his, and he can't use a hack anyways.."

ghoul nudged the side of her arm then both of them started laughing, making me sigh

"i'll go."
everyone turned to kobra, which started to get his ray gun ready, looking at everyone else's face

"but kobra, your leg was just injured a day or two ago." 

kobra shook his head, taking his helmet that said GOOD LUCK on it. i sighed, turning it into a competition in my head
"i'll go too."

kobra looked at me, his face getting even more emotionless by looking at me. i saw ghoul bite his lower lip, understanding it was gonna be a bumpy ride for the both of us.


i was in the driver's seat, kobra in the shotgun holding a map that showed the location's of vend-a-hacks. we have been driving for a few hourse for now, so the sun had started to set a bit. the drive was quiet for the most

one of the bad sides of trans am was that it wasn't quite close to any of the vend-a-hacks.

those big white machines were like big wending machines that you had to figure out the certain code thingies to get whatever you wanted from it. from our so called earlier adventures, we had written down a few of the codes down already.

"we're close to the first hack on our way."

kobra took off his black sunglasses, leaving it at his side. he quickly put on his helmet, taking mine from the backseat, and holding it ready to give it to me.

pushing down on the brakes, i made the white car slow down, making both of us lean a bit front. i took my mask from my brother, opening the door. while walking out, it put the mask down and cocking my ray gun, getting ready to shoot, if i have to.

we walked to the big white box, not talking. not because we didn't want to talk, but because we didn't want dracs to notice us if they were here.

kobra kid crouched down to the side of the machine, plugging in the small device that helped us change the numbers depending on what we wanted.

"what was the code for chargers?"

i looked down on the part of the map that had the codes. the code for chargers..

AFTER THE PARTY - party poison x reader Where stories live. Discover now