A Watched Plot Never Boils

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Rachel walked around the choir room as she waited for Sam. Finn was behind the drums already, tapping out a beat as Marcy tickled the piano keys. "We carved out this time for a reason!"

"Relax, Rachel." Finn bopped his head. "He'll be here."

Rachel blew out a breath. "We don't have time to wait around forever."

"Hey, Finn? Can you get me a bottle of water?" Marcy rifled through her purse for a dollar.

He took it as he eyed Rachel. "No problem!"

After he left, Marcy turned to Rachel. "Spit it out, Berry. What crawled up your butt and died?"

Rachel looked at her then sat beside her on the piano bench. "I think I've figured out the song."

"Why aren't you vomiting sprinkles?"

"I'm nervous about singing it in front of others."

"It's personal." Marcy played the intro.

"Very." Rachel sighed. "I don't know if I can sing it for Nationals."

"How about you sing it for you." Marcy replayed the intro and sang the first verse.

Rachel chimed in and they sung together until Marcy stopped singing and watched Rachel pour her heart into the song. When she finished, Marcy bumped her shoulder soothingly.

"That was amazing!" Sam and Finn gaped from the doorway. They'd come in halfway through the song and were speechless.

Rachel dried her eyes and stood. "Why did it take you so long, Sam?!"

"I had to pee." Sam pouted.

"So how do you want to play this?" Marcy asked.

"I think I got it." Rachel fixed her posture. "Play, please."


Santana danced around Artie as they waited for everyone to show up for rehearsals. "I told you; Lopezes don't give up!"

He glared at her. "Gomez better keep his hands where I can see them at all times! I'm watching him!"

She stuck her tongue out. "I don't care. I won!"

"You know if they get married, we'd be related!"

She drew back then shrugged. "I could do worse than you, Wheels."

"I couldn't." She punched him in his chest. "Ow! Fine. I would be honored to have you as a sister-in-law."

The other students filed into the auditorium with Mr. Shue. "Let's get to work, guys."


"It's Thursday!" Sam yanked Mal into the choir room. The guys had banned the girls.

"Whoa!" Mal looked around confused. All of the guys were excited for info on the date. Brittany had kept her word on not telling.

Mike pushed him onto a lone stool, facing the rest of the chairs. "Talk!" He wasn't leaving that room until he did.

"Uh. It's a picnic." Mal said slowly. It was freaky the way they were staring at him. "Have a picnic basket with her favorite foods and a blanket."

"What else?" Artie rubbed his hands.

"Where?" Finn wanted to know.

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