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Choi Namra paused in her seat, looking around the room to observe the others before turning to Lee Soojin.

"Do you hear that?" She asked the younger. "It's faint, but it's also loud."

Soojin frowned, understanding what their class president was talking about.

She had been hearing things for the past five minutes, but kept drowning them out, thinking it was some sort of hallucination.

Junghwan and Suhyeok followed behind the girls, not really having a choice since they were tied together at the wrists.

"Yeah, I hear it." Namra turned to Soojin, getting a nod from her as well.

Onjo looked confused. "What do you guys hear?" She asked.

"Someone's puking."

"Hyoryung's heart is going crazy."

The two different statements from the females got everyone's attention, not really understanding what they meant exactly.

Gyeongsu noted the way Soojin looked distant, her brows furrowed as if she were focused on something else.

"Soojin-ah," he called softly. "Jinnie?"

Junghwan turned towards the brunette, raising his brows when she didn't respond to any of his touches.

"Jinnie!" Cheongsan announced, a worried look in his eyes. "You alright?"

Soojin snapped out of her daze, letting out a quiet gasp of surprise. "Y-Yeah?" She nodded, still seeming out of it. "Can we leave? Please?" She asked.

"Yeah." Namra nodded in agreement. "This place feels weird."

Cheongsan looked out the little window on the door, shaking his head. "We can't just leave. There are too many zombies," he announced.

"We should've gone to the rooftop when the music was playing earlier," Daesu grumbled. "Damn it."

As if she had an epiphany, Onjo's eyes lit up, looking at the others. "Music! We have music!" She replied, pointing at the camcorder by the tables.

"What will we do with the music?" Junghwan asked.

"We'll build a tall barricade here and lure them in with music," Onjo stated. "If we leave the door open, they'll hear the music and come in."

Soojin nodded, understanding what the younger was trying to do. "And when the hallway clears, we could use the back door and get to the rooftop, hopefully," she explained.

Everyone listened as Nam Onjo explained more about her plan, clearing up any doubts anyone had.

It seemed like the best plan given the circumstances, and the students were ready to give everything to ensure its success.

"She sucks at school, but she's pretty smart," Daesu joked. "It's a compliment!" He defensively added upon seeing the glare the brunette shot at him.

The students went to work, following Onjo's instructions as they started moving around the tables and chairs in the classroom.

Soojin turned towards her boyfriend, looking down at their hands that were tied up once again by his tie.

Even though she wouldn't admit it, the sight of her hand tied to Junghwan hurt her, knowing very well that it was because her own classmates didn't trust her.

"Do you want to take it off?" Junghwan asked. "Let me just–" He tried to undo the knot, pausing when Soojin shook her head in reply.

"I don't want to make the others uncomfortable, Hwanie."

gonna be fine | so junghwanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora