"I'm sorry." I manage to say after a moment of just looking into through the brown eyes that invade my thoughts.

"For what?" She asked looking at me confused.

"How I acted, I don't know what came over me and I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"You didn't embarrass me, in fact I kinda like seeing this side of you." My eyes widen at her words and felt my member twitch at her words

"You do?" She nodded biting her lip.

She then leans in to whisper in my ear, "Seeing you all heated makes me so wet..." I'm fully hard at this point as she pulled away to take a look at my flustered state.

"Umm..." Is all I could get out.

She just giggled and turns her attention towards the kids who are still playing not having a care in the world.

I just stayed in the same position, still replaying her words in my head which were making it harder for my obvious boner to go away.

She's gonna be the death of me one day...


The kids and I got back home from the park, it looks like the park tired them out because all three of them were half asleep when we got back to the house.

I change them out of their outside clothes and lay then down for a nap

They should be awake around dinner time, which gives me enough time to cook.

"Where have you been?"

I heard a familiar voice and turned to be met with the piercing gaze of my mother. "I took the kids to the park earlier."

"You've been acting weird recently."

"I don't know what you mean." She eyes me suspiciously while proceeding to take a step closer to me. I take in her scent which smells like she practically swam the Chanel No.5 perfume she was wearing, make almost cough at the amount.

"If I find out you lying to me, I'll make you wish that you weren't alive." She said her voice laced with venom. I've never been more terrified than I am now. My mother was a very powerful woman and I don't have a doubt in my mind that she'll do everything in her power to make my life and the lives of the people that I care about worse.

I just have to make sure that she doesn't come after Nicki.

Time skip...

It's around 9am on a Sunday and I'm getting ready to wake up Sidney to sing her happy birthday. The twins have been awake since 7 since they were also excited about their big sister turning 6.

"Ok guys daddy's going to need you to be completely quite so we don't ruin the surprise." I whisper to which they nod in understanding.

With the red velvet cake in my hands I shifted carefully so I am able to open the door to Sidney's room to see her sound asleep. I go and give a light kiss to her forehead seeing her eyes fluttering open. "Morning Bug."

She gave me a small smile while sitting up rubbing her eyes. "Hi daddy."

"Your 6 today Princess." Her smile faltered a little bit as she sent me a small nod. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "What's wrong babygirl?"

"Nothing daddy, it's no big deal."

"Sweetie if something is bothering you then it is a big deal." She just sent me a smile that didn't quiet reach her eyes, but before I could press the matter the twins came bursting into the room climbing on the bed with balloons in their hands with #6 on them.

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