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Y/n Huangmoney

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Y/n Huang
money...does wonders.


Once again, the class was beginning to be filled with chatters. Your few minutes of peace and silence had finally come to an end.

Well, the class was all too tolerable, but that was until a certain someone had opened their mouth. one of Zack's friends had asked Daniel if he wanted to hang out with them.

"What? A get-together?" He tried to confirm. Then they started giving excuses about how it was a new semester and they should all should get acquainted as friends. That sentence seems to have caught Daniel's attention.

"Okay... I cam hang out for a couple of hours," Daniel said, accepting their invitation.

'dumb move' you sighed. Maybe he had a reason to become friends with those goons, but truthfully you would've advised the boy otherwise.

'choose your friends wisely, some may even stab you in the back when you least expected it,' was what you remembered from years ago.

He then turned to you, who was not even paying attention  and asked if you wanted to follow along. To be honest, he felt bad that he didn't get to spend as mush time with you as he would've liked to, since he noticed how you stayed close to no one, opting to go astray by yourself. He wanted to help you at least, maybe you just needed a little push was what he thought.

"Hey Y/n, d..do you want to come hang out with us?" he asked politely. Ladies were swooning at him.

You looked at the boy, then at the company he had behind him, outwardly judging them.

"No thanks," you replied, looking away to avoid eye contact with the boy.

Daniel seemed disappointed, he really did want to be acknowledged as your friend.

'damn it, now i feel bad...' you cursed in your head, regretting your decision to peek at Daniel's disappointed expression.

You sighed for what seemed like the 50th time that day.

"It's not that I find your companionship repulsive, I just also happen to have plans for today as well, maybe next time," you said, giving Daniel that tiny glimmer of hope.

You weren't lying really, as a daughter of a very esteemed designer, you were bound to get invited to all sorts of fancy rich people events. And that day Daniel had invited you, was also the day you were supposed to attend a charity ball with your mother.


That night, you and your mother had arrived at your destination. Both of you holding onto a very distict red envelope. Passing the envelope to the security guard, both of you strutted into the event hall.

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